Brian Briefing
News, Silliness, Fun, and Music
12/16/22 - McCard, Holiday Timings, and Never Have I Ever Results
12/15/22 - Films, Peppermint, and Ambiance
12/14/22 - Taters, Birthdays, and Christmas Smells
12/13/22 - Energy, Don't Want to Excercise Excuses, and Use Different Paper
12/12/22 - Sounds, Monkeys, and Bad Movie Weekend!
12/10 & 11/22 - The Best Movies and TV of the Year
12/9/22 - Old Turtle, Superman, and Decorations
12/8/22 - Person Of The Year, More Words, and Pet Names
12/7/22 - Laverne It, Coffee or Nap, and LeVar gets an Award
12/6/22 - Two for Twitter (stories), Picky Eaters Get New Plates, and Bye to Kristie.
12/5/22 - He Was A Person In Your Neighborhood! Plus Krampus!
12/3 & 4/22 - Holiday Movies
12/2/22 - Winter Coating, Figgy Spam, and Slow Down
12/1/22 - Happy December, Familect, and Use Less Detergent
1982 - Thriller - Michael Jackson
11/30/22 - Bambi Goes Bad, Toys, and Wednesday
11/29/22 - Gaslighting, Bass, and Stop with Frivolous Lawsuits.
11/28/22 - Dog Shows, Pillows, and Sore Throats
11/26 & 27/22 - Have a Great Weekend
11/25/22 - Holiday Shopping, Time Travel, and Raw Poultry