Brian Briefing
News, Silliness, Fun, and Music
1/3/22 I resolve to not use my Crackberry.
1/2/22 How Long Can You Say Happy New Year?
1/1/22 Happy New Year! And Goodbye Betty White.
12/31/21 New Year's Eve with No Resolutions
12/30/21 Year End Part 1. Videos.
12/29/21 Ketchup on Everything!
12/28/21 Do you do butt stuff right? Well it's not like it's Rocket Science.
12/27/21 What's That Smell? And Let's Get Ready To Watch in 2022!
12/26/21 Boxing Day! (no fighting, it's for gifting workers)
12/25/21 Merry Christmas!!!
12/24/21 Happy Christmas Eve
12/23/21 Festivus For The Rest Of Us! Time to Clean Your House.
12/20/21 Potatoes = Vodka, and Spiderman made how much?
12/19/21 Botox, Eye Drops, and Nutella
12/18/21 Dolly is a Star!!!! And no high kicks with The Rocketts!
12/17/21 You'll pay me to not do what? Time to dig for that valuable vinyl!
12/16/21 How do you say that? ain't got no ugly!!!!!!
12/15/21 Legend! and How About Them Apple(s)?
12/14/21 Where are those gifts?? Productivity Seminar with The Beatles.