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6/1/22 June is Busting Out All Over!

Wednesday 6/1/22


Dare Day

Dinosaur Day

Don't Give Up The Ship Day

Flip A Coin Day

Global Day of Parents

Global Running Day

Heimlich Maneuver Day

International Children's Day

National Go Barefoot Day

National Hazelnut Cake Day

National Nail Polish Day

National Olive Day

National Pen Pal Day

National Tailor’s Day

New Years Resolution Recommitment Day

Oscar The Grouch Day - Oscar the Grouch's birthday, the day on which he is the grouchiest. Episode 3,866 of Sesame Street revealed that Oscar's birthday was on June 1st

Say Something Nice Day

Wear a Dress Day

World Milk Day


It happened in the U.K. A panel of judges said that using the world "bald" to describe someone is a form of discrimination . . . and they tried to connect talking about a man's baldness to talking about the size of a woman's breasts. And it's "sexual" since hair loss is more common among men than women.

The case was about a man whose supervisor at work insulted him by calling out his baldness. The guy argued that the remarks about his appearance "crossed a line," and the court ruled that they weren't just insults, they were harassment. Oh and for what it's worth, all three judges on the panel suffered from hair loss.


Do you have one GO-TO item that you look for on a menu?

In a new poll, 20% of people say that it's a burger. And 58% said they "frequently" order burgers while dining out.

On average, Americans scarf down about five burgers per month, which is a little more than one a week . . . and about 60 over the course of a year.

That includes everything from burgers grilled at home . . . to fast food . . . to sit-down restaurants. The poll only included people who like burgers, though they cast a wide net, including alternatives like chicken burgers and veggie burgers.

As for toppings, 33% of people like to stick to a traditional burger, while 16% are always looking for something innovative. 42% of people say they usually order a burger exactly as it is on the menu . . . while 23% prefer to customize.

And on average, people would travel 34 miles for the perfect burger.


Someone has collected a list of random things that Boomers are "obsessed with" . . . that make "no sense" to Millennials. They include:

1. The thumbs-up emoji. And using a ton of ellipses in texts.

2. Complaining about younger generations not knowing and using cursive.

3. Zooming-in on every single picture. And filming video with their iPads.

4. Always leaving voicemails, no matter the situation.

5. Drinking from the hose . . . and talking about drinking from the hose.

6. Nautical-themed bathrooms, including beach, lighthouse, and sailboat décor.

7. Watching the news and political shows ALL THE TIME.

8. Wanting to sit at booths in restaurants. And paying in exact change.

9. Old, crusty cough drops.

10. Pecans. And pot pie.


A new poll asked people what's the maximum distance they'd still consider "walking distance," and 27% said within 30 minutes. That was the most popular response. 27% said within 20 minutes . . . and 17% said within 15 minutes. 5% are only willing to walk five minutes, while 4% said anything "within an hour."

Of course, it isn't just willingness to walk . . . it's also ability. So not surprisingly, people ages 65 and older were more likely to say shorter distances were their max.


Today's Useless Fact of the Day - Before Linda Gray was Sue Ellen Ewing on "Dallas", she worked as a body double for Anne Bancroft on "The Graduate". And it's actually her leg on the famous movie poster.


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