2/9/22 Nominations are In!
Brian Briefing
News, Silliness, Fun, and Music
2/8/22 Peacocks and I Better Get That Back At The End Of Class
2/7/22 "e" Day (not as good as Pi) and Chocolate and Roses!
2/6/22 The Olympic Glow will keep us Warm
2/5/22 Rock And Roll Hall of Fame Nominees
2/3/22 Why don't they ban the Mullet??
2/2/22 2,2, put on your tutu's and let's go dancing...I said 2.....2. (it's a camp bingo thing)
2/1/22 Happy February AND New Year!
1/30/22 What's in the Fridge? Ironing?
1/28/22 Chew Your Food, and That Mask Makes You More Attractive!
1/27/22 Your Highness, I'll have a double.
1/26/22 You drink wine with WHAT??
1/25/22 Pancakes, Boring Movies, and You are Losing Your Hair!
1/24/22 Congratulations! You've just won a gold medal..and we stole the info from your phone!
1/23/22 Too Cold..blankes and tea!
1/22/22 Goodbye Meatloaf and Louie Anderson
1/21/22 Hot Sauce and Girl Scout Cookies (but not together)