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8/11/22 Table Manners, Sunscreen, Pink Flags, and New Emojis

Thursday 8/11/22


Annual Medical Checkup Day

National Raspberry Bombe Day - Bombe, known as bombe glacée in French, is a spherical-shaped frozen ice cream dessert. It has such a name because it looks a bit like a cannonball.

National Raspberry Tart Day

Play in the Sand Day

Presidential Joke Day

Son and Daughter Day


Do you know anyone who's somehow made it to adulthood without figuring out table manners? Here are a few rules even adults break . . .

1. Eating before everyone else starts. Like if your food arrives first at a restaurant, or you sit down before everyone else at home. It's polite to wait.

2. Using your phone. A lot of adults do it even though we tell our kids not to.

3. Cutting up all your food at once before you start eating. It's just weird, like something you'd do for a five-year-old. It also makes you eat faster, so you end up finishing before everyone else.

4. Hogging the conversation. It's rude no matter where you are, but people do it during meals a lot. It also makes you eat SLOWER, so you're the last to finish.

5. Using the bread to clean your plate like it's an edible sponge. Do it at home, because who cares. But not when you're with other people, or at a nice place.

6. Elbows on the table. It's an old-school rule that gets ignored a lot.

NO NO NO NO..this list is trash!!!! Especially 1, 3, and 5. Sop all that delish gravy or sauce with your bread wherever you are!!!!!!!!


Here's a dating term for ya: You've heard of "red flags," but what about PINK flags? It's a term that's been around a while. "Cosmo" talked about it in 2017. But it's trending again after "Huffington Post" just did a write-up.

Basically, pink flags are subtle signs someone might not be a good fit for you, and your relationship is doomed. But not always.

Sometimes, they're things that might seem like dealbreakers. But it's really something you could work through.

Whether something's a red or pink flag is subjective. So it's really about deciding how YOU want to define it. Is the thing you don't like really a big deal? Or is it something you could change or get used to?

Here are a few examples they give . . .

1. Changes in behavior, like they're not as affectionate as they used to be. It could be a red flag. But it doesn't always mean they're cheating or disinterested.

2. The other person never has an opinion on things, like where to order food from. So you always have to take charge. Is it really worth breaking up over, or could you just talk about it?

3. Mismatched "love languages." Like one of you shows your love through physical touch. And the other does it with acts of service, like making coffee every morning. That might just be something you need to address or get used to.

Basically, "pink flags" aren't always dealbreakers. But you also shouldn't ignore them, or they could fester.

The term we used to use for it was "ISSUES" in a relationship.


Around a third of us think we could still log into an ex's FACEBOOK if we really wanted to. And it's not the only login we know. Here are the top ten . . .

1. Facebook. 35% think they know their ex's password.

2. Netflix and other streaming services, 34%.

3. Their work email, 33%.

4. Twitter. That and everything else on the list is around 30%.

5. Spotify or other music apps.

6. PayPal.

7. Their Google account.

8. Their personal email.

9. Their BANK account. 28% think they could get in if they wanted to.

10. TikTok.


You probably make sure the sidewalk isn't too hot for your dog in the summer..but do you put sunscreen on your dog during the summer? According to the American Kennel Club, you should . . . but most of us DON'T.

A recent survey found 57% of people NEVER apply sunscreen when they take their dog outside . . . and 46% didn't even realize dogs needed protection from the sun.

But dogs CAN get sunburned, and it can lead to all sorts of issues, like skin cancer and dermatitis.

Certain dogs are more at risk for sunburns, especially the ones with short, white coats or hairless breeds. So dogs like Dalmatians, Bulldogs, and the Chinese Crested. But even dogs with thick coats can burn, particularly on their ears, nose, and bellies.

Oh, and you don't want to use HUMAN sunscreen, because it might have ingredients that are toxic to dogs. The AKC recommends getting a waterproof, unscented dog sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.


The site Emojipedia says 31 new emojis could be approved in September and hit phones next year. That's actually NOT a lot. 121 were added in the last update, and 217 the time before that. Here are a few highlights from the new list . . .

1. A "Pink Heart" emoji. There's already a pink double-heart. But people have been asking for a normal one too. A "Blue Heart" and "Grey Heart" are also on the list.

2. "Donkey." Other new animal emojis include a "Moose" . . . a "Goose" . . . a "Black Bird" . . . and a "Jellyfish". (why would you ever need a jellyfish)

3. A "Shaking Face" emoji. It's supposed to mean you're shocked by something.

4. A "Wireless" or Wi-Fi emoji. We're a little surprised that one doesn't exist yet.

5. A "High Five" emoji. It's actually two emojis . . . one of a palm facing right, and one facing left. So together, it's a high five.

Read more and see what they might look like here.


Today's Useless Fact of the Day - You turn one billion seconds old four months before your 32nd birthday . . . when you're 31 years, 251 days, 13 hours, 34 minutes, and 55 seconds old.


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