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8/3/22 - Sweat It Out and We are Spinning to Fast

Wednesday 8/3/22


Airplane Crop Duster Day

clean Your Floors Day

Grab Some Nuts Day

National Watermelon Day


I guarantee you have something on this list sitting in storage, or tucked away in a drawer. Someone polled 2,000 people and asked about gadgets that they never use but won't throw away. Here are the top ten . . .

1. DVD players. When was the last time you watched one?

2. Old phones. You've probably got at least two of them somewhere.

3. Digital cameras. We all bought one, but then phone cameras took over.

4. Old TVs. They're hard to get rid of if they still work.

5. Old laptops. If you're still holding on to yours, it's probably because you never transferred stuff from your hard drive.

6. CD players. If you listen to CDs now, it's probably in your car.

7. Headphones. Or old earbuds.

8. Printers. Most people who have them don't use them much.

9. Old gaming consoles. Like if you kept your old PlayStation 3, but you only use your PlayStation 4 now.

10. Old tablet devices. They're another thing we keep even after we upgrade.

Here are a few more that just missed the top ten: E-readers . . . camcorders . . . MP3 players . . Blu-Rays . . . record players . . . and old speakers.


Somebody ranked the ten sweatiest cities in America by looking at things like average summer temperatures . . . humidity . . . how likely you are to feel a nice breeze . . . and how easy it is to find some shade.

They also looked at population density. So being around other sweaty people was something they factored in.

And after all that, the sweatiest city in America is Orlando, Florida. All of the top ten are actually in four states: Florida, Texas, Louisiana, and Alabama.

The ten sweatiest cities are: Orlando . . . Corpus Christi, Texas . . . Baton Rouge . . . New Orleans . . . Tallahassee . . . Houston . . . Montgomery, Alabama . . . Cape Coral, Florida . . . Laredo, Texas . . . and Jacksonville, Florida.

As far as America's BIGGEST cities go: New York ranked 141st out of 200 . . . L.A. is 184th . . . and Chicago is 146th.


The Clemens Center has announced its new 2022-23 Broadway Series, featuring several substitutions from the previously announced lineup.

The new lineup will include Anastasia and R.E.S.P.E.C.T. replacing the previously announced Beautiful – The Carole King Musical, and Tootsie.

The new lineup, with dates and times for each show, is listed below:

Buddy – The Buddy Holly Story: October 11-12, 2022 at 7:30 p.m.

On Your Feet: November 1-2, 2022 at 7:30 p.m.

Anastasia: January 25 – 26, 2023 at 7:30 p.m.

R.E.S.P.E.C.T.: March 14 – 15, 2023 at 7:30 p.m.

Legally Blonde – The Musical: May 5 – 6, 2023 at 7:30 p.m.

Call 607-734-8191 for ticket information


Scientists have been left baffled after discovering the Earth is spinning faster than normal — making days shorter than usual.

New measurements by the UK’s National Physical Laboratory show that the Earth is spinning faster than it was half a century ago.

On June 29, the Earth’s full rotation took 1.59 milliseconds less than 24 hours — the shortest day ever recorded.

Scientists have warned that, if the rotation rate continues to speed up, we may need to remove a second from our atomic clocks.

“If Earth’s fast rotation continues, it could lead to the introduction of the first-ever negative leap second,” astrophysicist Graham Jones reported via

Some experts believe the melting and refreezing of ice caps on the world’s tallest mountains could be contributing to the irregular speed.

“Earth has recorded its shortest day since scientists began using atomic clocks to measure its rotational speed,” TimeandDate reported.

Feeling dizzy yet?


To save money when you shop, don't touch anything. Touching an item makes you more likely to buy it, and willing to pay more.

Touching it increases the feelings of ownership a person has for the object.


Today's Useless Fact of the Day - There's a town in the Oklahoma panhandle named "Hooker" . . . and its slogan is: "It's a location, not a vocation."


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