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8/4/22 - Authors Shelfies and 100 Questions

Thursday 8/4/22


Assistance Dog Day

Cycle to Work Day (in the UK)

Hooray for Kids Day

National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

National IPA Day

National White Wine Day

Single Working Woman's Day

US Coast Guard Day - protects the waters and shorelines of the United States. It is celebrated on the anniversary of the founding of the Revenue Marine, the forerunner of the Coast Guard. On August 4, 1790.

Hall of Fame broadcaster Vin Scully, whose dulcet tones provided the soundtrack of summer while entertaining and informing Dodgers fans in Brooklyn and Los Angeles for 67 years, died Tuesday night, the team said. He was 94

As the longest-tenured broadcaster with a single team in pro sports history, Scully saw it all and called it all.

He opened broadcasts with the familiar greeting, "Hi, everybody, and a very pleasant good evening to you wherever you may be."


The dating scene is changing all the time and it's hard to keep up. So here's a term that has reportedly been bandied about for a few years, but escaped our attention until now: cookie jarring. It's a backup relationship; when someone has a serious thing going on but still has a couple of extra flirtations on the side, like they still have their hand in the cookie jar (get it?).

How do you organize your bookshelves? Is it haphazard? Alphabetical? By genre? The Washington Post asked some authors how they do it. A while back the mems everyone were doing were "Shelfies" a picture of one of your bookshelves.

Elin Hilderbrand is the author of 28 novels, including “The Island,” “Summer of ’69” and most recently “The Hotel Nantucket.” Her bookshelves are done by the times in her life when she read the books.

Garrett Graff is the author of, among other books, “The Threat Matrix: Inside Robert S. Mueller III’s FBI” and “Watergate: A New History.”I group them generally first by subject and then loosely try to organize them by color and/or topic so that the shelves don’t look too chaotic. I have my Cold War shelves; my 9/11 shelves; my presidency shelves; and, of course, a handful of shelves of fiction. I sprinkle in a lot of a historical artifacts and pictures, too, that I’ve accumulated.

Emma Straub’s most recent book is “This Time Tomorrow.” She is also the owner of the bookstore Books Are Magic in Brooklyn.I would describe our bookshelves as haphazardly alphabetical, with rocks and kid art and small mysterious objects scattered throughout.

Jennifer Weiner is a novelist whose books include “The Summer Place,” “Mrs. Everything” and “Good in Bed.”I arrange my books by color — sorry not sorry — but books, in addition to being magic portals offering escape and transformation, are also physical objects that you live with, and there’s nothing wrong with arranging them in a way you find aesthetically pleasing.


When we were younger, making new friends was simply a part of everyday life. However, it can be more challenging as an adult, especially when you factor in work stresses, cross-country moves and major life changes.

Today has found a list of 100 questions that will help you determine if a friendship or relationship is worthwhile — and make sure you really listen when they answer.

What do you like to do for fun?

What did you do this past weekend?

How do you de-stress after a tough day?

If you had to redo one year of your life, which one would it be and why?

Calling or texting?

If you had all the money in the world, how would you spend your time?

What’s your ideal sandwich?

What’s your favorite meal your parents and/or grandparents make?

What’s your favorite family tradition?

What’s your favorite museum?

What was your favorite book growing up?

What was the last movie you saw?

See the 100 Questions here..and is this the third degree???


Today's Useless Fact of the Day - There's a difference between a moonroof and a sunroof. Sunroofs open all the way, moonroofs don't.


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