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5/1/24 - Gen Z Slang, Tuesday is Perfect, and Long Touring Bands

Wednesday 5/1/24


Bread Pudding Recipe Exchange Day

Couple Appreciation Day

Executive Coaching Day

Frequent Flyer Day

Global Love Day

Great American Grump Out

International Workers' Day

Law Day

Lei Day

Loyalty Day

May Day

Mother Goose Day

National Anxiety Disorders Screening Day

National Chocolate Parfait Day

National Purebred Dog Day

National Salad Day

New Homeowners Day

Phone in Sick Day

Save the Rhino Day

School Principals' Day

Therapeutic Massage Awareness Day

World Carnivorous Plant Day

Worthy Wage Day


Someone polled Gen Z'ers and asked them to name the most outdated acronyms they think are "cringe" now.  For example, "LOL" is #1.  If you text it to someone in their early 20s, they'll think you're a Boomer . . . even if you're not.

Instead of "LMFAO," write "IJBOL".  Short for "I just burst out laughing."

Stop using "ROFL".  It's short for "rolling on the floor laughing."  Instead, just send a skull emoji.  Like it's so funny, you just died laughing.

Instead of "YOLO," write "DIFTP".  It's means "Do It for the Plot".  You're the main character in your life, so don't avoid things.  Do what it takes to move the story along.

Instead of "KK," write "bet".  "KK" means okay, like you're on board.  "Bet" means the same thing, like "you bet."

Don't shorten the word "great" by spelling it "G-R-8".  Say "that slaps."

Don't say "diss."  Say "clapback" instead.

Stop calling things "fire."  It's already lame.  "Lit" is back in style now.

Don't call things "gross."  Call them "ick."

Never say "give me the 411."  No one under 40 knows that's the number for directory assistance.  Instead, say "what's the tea" or "spill the tea."

Stop calling crazy people "cray."  In 2024, they're "delulu," short for delusional. 


Some astrology writer just did a big article on how the workweek should really start on Tuesday because it’s the best day to be productive.

She says due to "lunar influence," Monday is really a better day to "reflect, record, and set the tone of the days to come."  She claims our ancient ancestors spent Mondays cleaning, cooking, and staying NAKED all day.

Tuesday is ruled by Mars though, which supposedly means it's a good day for "bold action, direct confrontation, and healthy competition."  So her advice is try to be as productive as you can today, and don't let anything stop you.


A new study looked at the exact amount of time the average person should sit, stand, sleep, and exercise in a typical day.

The good news is you should feel free to spend a significant amount of your life kicking back.  The bad news is most of us are well over the ideal number already.  Here's the healthiest combo, according to the results . . 

1.  Sleep for 8 hours and 20 minutes.  But as little as 7.5 hours is okay.

2.  Sit for 6 hours.  Even 7 might be fine.  But if you watch a lot of Netflix and have a desk job, you're probably over that.

3.  Stand for 5 hours and 10 minutes.  That's just standing and walking around.  It doesn't include time spent exercising.

4.  4 hours and 20 minutes engaged in some level of physical activity.  Half should be "light" activity, like walking or doing housework.  The other half should be moderate-to-intense activity.  So, 2 hours and 10 minutes of actual exercise.


Last week, there was a story about road rage, where a woman threw spaghetti at another car, which was being driven by a pregnant woman.  Now there's this:

A 46-year-old man in Florida named Nolan Goins got in a road rage incident last Thursday, "over glaring headlights."

According to the police report, Nolan was so upset, he "threw pasta with sauce from the passenger seat of his vehicle, striking [another driver] through his open window."  The pasta hit the victim in the "arms, legs, and torso."

Nolan was charged with misdemeanor battery, and booked into the county jail.  He's NOT an Italian chef . . . he's a painting contractor whose rap sheet includes convictions for selling marijuana, obstruction, and battery.


A new study found too much traffic noise can literally KILL you. Probably not today though.  It's a more gradual process.

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania say the sound of horns and engines causes significant stress.  Which leads to heart disease, strokes, and other issues long term.

Commuting isn't the only time we're exposed to it.  The bigger impact might come from SLEEPING in an area with heavy traffic. Especially if it wakes you up.

This reminds me of a George Carlin warning that Saliva will kill you, only if swallowed in small quantities over a long period of time.

-- put together a list of the 40 longest touring streaks in rock music.  In order to qualify, the artist had to have at least ONE performance in a calendar year.  It could be a concert or a TV performance.

Here are the Top 15:

1.  The Beach Boys:  1961 to present (63 years)

2. TIE:  Chicago . . . REO Speedwagon . . . Santana . . . Jackson Browne . . . Blue Oyster Cult . . . and Van Morrison:  1967 to present (57 years)

8.  Elton John:  1968 to present (56 years)

9.  TIE:  War and Kool & the Gang:  1969 to present (55 years)

11.  America:  1970 to present (54 years)

12.  Cheap Trick:  1973 to present (51 years)

13.  TIE:  Eric Clapton and Kansas:  1974 to present (50 years)

15.  John Mellencamp:  1976 to present (48 years)


Today's Useless Fact of the Day - We should be more wary of Bambi than of Jaws, because deer are MUCH more deadly to Americans each year than sharks, alligators, bears, and venomous snakes . . . combined.

For example, there were just TWO deaths in the U.S. by shark attack in 2023.  Each year, deer account for around 59,000 human injuries and 440 deaths.


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