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4/3/24 - Dirty Office, Dogs, and Hand Replacements

Wednesday 4/3/24


American Circus Day

Armenian Appreciation Day

Find a Rainbow Day

Fish Fingers and Custard Day - Doctor Who #11 Matt Smith premiered

Global Day of the Engineer

Good People Day

Naitonal Chocolate Mousse Day

National Day of Hope

National Don't Go to Work Unless It's Fun Day

National Film Score Day

Pony Express Day

Tweed Day

Whole Grain Sampling Day

World Party Day


Veteran actor Joe Flaherty, best known for starring in the popular Canadian sketch comedy series SCTV and as Harold Weir on Paul Feig’s Freaks and Geeks, has died. He was 82.

Flaherty spent eight years on SCTV, performing characters like Big Jim McBob, Guy Cabellero, Vic Arpeggio, and Count Floyd/Floyd Robertson.

Read more here.


According to experts, here are the nine germiest spots in your office . . .

1.  Door handles.  They're usually the germiest spot because everyone touches them.  So it's a good idea to get in the habit of using hand sanitizer when you get to your desk, and to your car.

2.  Your keyboard.  There are over 3,000 microscopic organisms living in every square inch of the average keyboard.

3.  Your desk.  It's covered with your own germs, plus any you pick up on your hands and arms.  Don't assume a janitor or cleaning crew is taking care of it.  Wipe it down with a disinfectant spray every now and then.

4.  The shared microwave and fridge.  Again, everyone touches the handles and buttons.  You're probably about to eat, so wash your hands first.

5.  The water cooler.  The spot you touch has germs on it.  But grossness could be lurking in the water itself too.  A few studies have found those water tanks aren't always cleaned regularly.

6.  The bathroom.  Again, they're not cleaned as much, or as well as you might think.  It's one reason you really shouldn't be using your phone in there.

7.  Elevator buttons.  More touch points that get a lot of traffic.  Think about using your knuckle instead of the tip of your finger.  Or buy one of those keychains that let you open doors and hit buttons without touching them.

8.  Vending machines.  Even worse than elevator buttons, because they have more nooks and crannies that are hard to clean.

9.  Your phone.  All the germs and bacteria you pick up from those other eight spots eventually end up on your phone too. 


Someone asked Reddit, and over 1,000 people voted:  If your non-dominant hand got replaced by a robotic hand, what GADGET would you include?  Here are the five options they gave . . .

1.  A flashlight in the palm.

2.  An integrated smartphone with touchscreen.

3.  Powered screwdrivers on your fingertips.

4.  Retractable claws like Wolverine.

5.  Super-strong grip. which was the top answer with 46% of the vote.

20% would rather have a smartphone hand. Wolverine claws were next at 19%.  Then flashlight, 10%.  And screwdrivers, 5% of the vote.


13% of dog owners admit they sometimes let their dog sit on their LAP while driving.

It's from a survey on how DANGEROUS driving with dogs can be.  An insurance company talked to 1,000 dog owners, and half said they worry about their dog causing an accident.  

Here are a few more quick stats on driving with dogs . . .

1.  69% usually make their dog sit in the back seat . . . 41% let them sit up front in the passenger's seat sometimes . . . and 13% have let them sit on their lap.

2.  Half of dog owners think there should be laws requiring you to buckle your dog in, or restrain them in some way.

3.  45% let their dog hang its head out the car window.  Surprising that's not higher, since dogs LOVE it.

4.  88% of men and 77% of women admit they might not always be paying full attention on long trips, because they're busy entertaining their dog.

5.  9% have kept their dog occupied by letting them watch TV on their phone.  (Real barkers of Beverly Hills. and Vanderbark rules)


Leftover April Fool company pranks.

Pringles and Olipop teaming up for a Sour Cream and Onion flavored soda

A team up with language teacher Rosetta Stone and medical marijuana company Fluent called Rosetta Stoned that will translate stoner lingo.

Also a Baby Translator

The banana peel sleeping bag from Dole

Outrageous clothing company Tipsy Elves has the The Mopsie. You don't need paper towels anymore, you can use your body to clean up those messes, with this "innovative, wearable microfiber towel jumpsuit" for "effortlessly soaking up spills and messes with ease." There's also a Baby Mopsie for "hard to reach places."

Sriracha toothpaste - It's "fiery and creamy goodness … is sure to spice up your morning dental routine."

Scotch tape-branded Scotch. The whisky "features a nose of cherry wood and a delightfully smooth finish that hits like a well-wrapped gift."


Today's Useless Fact of the Day - The Library of Congress is only the second biggest library in the world.  It has about 175 million items in its catalog . . . the British Library in London is reportedly bigger, with closer to 200 million items.


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