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8/22/23 - #Hurriquake, Summer Dislikes, and How Much For That Tooth

Tuesday 8/22/23


Be an Angel Day

National Bao Day

National Eat a Peach Day

National Pecan Torte Day

Never Been Better Day

Take Your Cat to the Vet Day

World Plant Milk Day

Los Angeles closed its school buildings and San Diego pushed the first day of school to Tuesday after Tropical Storm Hilary brought mudslides and flash floods to Southern California, the region's first tropical storm in 84 years.

And on top of that, There's a 5.1 magnitude earthquake North West of LA in Ojai (Oh-Hi).

This prompted the hashtag Hurriquake to trend. A fake "Hurriquake" movie poster went viral, and people joked that a "sharknado" was the next logical step. A handful of people tried to get "Earthcane" trending instead, but it didn't gain traction.

At the Ojai Beverage Co. on Ojai Avenue, manager Nick Howard said a $900

bottle of tequila and a few wine bottles had toppled, but the shop had otherwise lost very little in terms of product.


National Tooth Fairy Day - According to the Dental Care Alliance, the going rate for a tooth is on average $4.57. NY is in 8th place with $5.88 and PA is $5.44.

If you're gonna lost a tooth, Delaware is the best place at $8.91 per tooth, and the worst is Iowa at $2.30 a tooth.


Some woman on TikTok went viral after claiming free bread and chips are actually a tactic restaurants use to make you spend more.

Simple carbs like that spike your blood sugar really fast. And in the short term, that makes you hungrier. A lot of times, they'll bring the bread before you've ordered, because then you look at the menu and suddenly want everything.

It's not the only reason they give you bread. We also just enjoy free stuff, won't get as angry if our food takes a while, and it subconsciously makes us tip more.

Don't let them fool you though. Those rolls and chips aren't really "free." They're just baked into the price of everything else.


There's a new survey out on the most frustrating parts of summer, and not surprisingly, mosquitoes is #1.

Here's the rest of the list of things that we hate about summer:

2. Sweating.

3. Excessive heat.

4. Humidity and "stickiness."

5. "Increased number of people in my usual area."

6. Higher utility bills.

7. Sunburns.

8. Excessive air conditioning.

9. Lack of shade outside.

10. Pressure to do something.

Just missing the Top 10 was ticks.

49% of people said they'd rather stand in an outdoor ticket line for hours than suffer through bug bites.

44% of people said they'd give up social media for a month if they could avoid mosquitoes. And 29% say they'd rather get a sunburn than be bit by bugs.


Doctors are warning parents to avoid playfully tossing their kids in the air . . . if they have ceiling fans.

A study in the journal "Pediatrics" found that between 2013 and 2021, emergency rooms saw 20,500 ceiling fan-related injuries. And about 2,300 kids are treated in ERs each year for head injuries caused by ceiling fans.

And it's probably even more common than that, because that only counts the children who actually went to the ER. Not the kids who just "bumped" their head.

Do you go to bed at the same time as your significant other?

Maybe you should.

According to a new study, couples who get into bed around the same time are generally happier than couples who don't.

And it doesn't matter whether they're doin' physical stuff in bed together or not.

People just like being in bed together to watch shows, talk, read, or even simultaneously scroll their own phones.

The researchers found couples who go to sleep at different times reported less satisfaction in their relationships . . . and felt less connected to their partners overall.


Today's Useless Fact of the Day - A bee would only need two tablespoons of honey to have enough energy to fly all the way around the world.

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