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11/3/23 - Candy Use By, Toilet Paper Evolves, and Favorite Sides

Friday 11/3/23


Cliche Day

Fountain Pen Day

Give Someone a Dollar Today Day

Love Your Lawyer Day

National Housewife Day

National Jersey Friday

National Sandwich Day

World Jellyfish Day


New Movie this weekend:

What Happens Later - a comedy..make that Rom-Com starring Meg Ryan and David Duchovny.

Did you buy way too much Halloween candy, or end up with way too few trick-or-treaters? Candy has a pretty good shelf life, but it's not infinite. Here are five types of candy, and how long you've got to get through it all. (If it's not gone by this weekend)

1. Chocolate candy. If it's unopened, up to a year. Dark chocolate lasts up to two years. For opened bags of loose chocolate candy, cut those timelines in half.

2. Candy corn. Three to six months if it's stored at room temperature. An unopened package can last up to nine months.

3. Gummy candy. Six months to a year, depending on how it's stored. A cool, dry place is best.

4. Sour candy. Up to a year. If you open a bag, store it in an airtight container to increase the shelf life.

5. Hard candy, like lollipops and Jolly Ranchers. The National Confectioners Association says a year. But a study at Kansas State found it's the one type of candy that can pretty much last forever if stored properly.


It's that time of year when people get weird with flavors. Baskin-Robbins Flavor of the Month is called "Turkey Day Fixin's."

It tastes like sweet potato and autumn spice, with sweet chunks of honey cornbread, and tart swirls of cranberry sauce.

They are also taking pre-orders for their "Turkey Cake," which thankfully does NOT include actual turkey. It just LOOKS like a bird that's fresh out of the oven.

It can be filled with any ice cream, with "legs" made from sugar cones. It's also slathered with a caramel praline glaze, which gives it a, quote, "juicy sheen."


Campbell's Soup released its annual Thanksgiving poll on America's favorite sides. As always, mashed potatoes are #1.

The rest of the top 5, same as last year, stuffing, mac-and-cheese, sweet potatoes, and green bean casserole.

67% of Americans like Thanksgiving sides more than the entrée


They call them Juke Box Musicals, where they take a bands musical output and shoehorn it into a story. Think Mama Mia that was just at the Clemens Center.

On Friday, March 29th, 2024, at the James Earl Jones Theatre on Broadway, previews begin for "The Heart of Rock and Roll", a musical based on, yes, the music of Huey Lewis and the News.

It's described as a "raucous rom-com" about, quote, "a couple of thirty-somethings who know exactly what they want from life . . . until they find each other."

Huey says, quote, "I've always been a storyteller, and it's a thrill to see my songs woven together in service of a fantastic, new story."

Interesting to note that if you watch the videos from the Sports album, they are a somewhat continuous story.


We've had a lot of really bad accidents around the past couple of weeks, so please be careful and pay attention while you are driving.

None of them were as "fun" (and I can say that, no one was hurt) than when a tractor-trailer collided with a pickup truck in Canada last week, and the pickup was towing its own trailer, which was packed with fireworks!

It was 10pm, and the fireworks started going off so the drivers just sat there . . . for the next hour watching an impromptu fireworks show from the highway.

The authorities are still investigating the crash.


Should You Leave a Window Open Year-Round?

An expert “In the winter, it’s usually more energy-efficient to keep windows closed to conserve heat, while in the summer, you might want to open windows to ventilate your home.”

“If you’re trying to improve indoor air quality, control humidity, or simply enjoy the benefits of fresh air, opening a window occasionally may be helpful,”

Obviously, you are losing heat and making your furnace work harder. In newer homes that are more airtight, you might like to get some fresh air in during the winter. Usually do this on a nicer warmer day.

Then of course there are those that leave a window open in the bedroom with a fan on them. More power to you!!!!! (weirdos..haha)


The Texas Rangers won their first-ever World Series title, defeating the Arizona Diamondbacks four games to one. The team had gone more than six decades without winning a title, which until last night was the second-longest ongoing drought after the Cleveland Guardians, who last won a World Series in 1948.

According to a study out of the University of Pittsburgh, living on the west side of a time zone is definitively worse than living on the east side.

It all comes down to the sunlight. People on the west side of a time zone usually get an hour or more of sunlight . . . and they go to sleep an average of 19 minutes later than people on the east side. That doesn't sound like a lot, but it is.

It translates to 115 hours of lost sleep every year . . . and THAT translates to more health problems. People on the west side of time zones are more likely to suffer from everything from diabetes to breast cancer.

Plus . . . people on the west sides tend to make 3% less money. The researchers believe it's because they're too tired to be productive.

It’s something you don’t notice till the roll is empty, but toilet paper.

Charmin says they got a lot of complaints about toilet paper NOT tearing cleanly along the perforation . . . so they had their team look into it.

They figured out that the uneven tear was because the line was straight, but people were pulling from many different angles and directions.

So, the team started working on a re-design. It took more than FIVE YEARS but they just announced that the end result is ready.

It's called "Smooth Tear," and instead of a STRAIGHT line, it's a WAVY perforation. That means that each piece is no longer a square, which is a significant change.

The "Smooth Tear" made it's debut with "Ultra Soft" rolls. It's unclear if they'll also change their other varieties, or if other brands might follow suit.

You probably won’t see the change since you are still using your COVID horde.


Today’s Useless Fact of the Day - The Girl Scouts are the second-largest cookie company in America, with around $800 million-a-year in revenue. They're only behind Oreo.

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