Friday 1/10/25
Houseplant Appreciation Day
National Bittersweet Chocolate Day
National Cut Your Energy Costs Day
National Oysters Rockefeller Day
Peculiar People Day
Save the Eagles Day
A new study found drinking coffee in the morning could help you live longer. BUT if you keep drinking it all day, maybe not.
Scientists tracked people's health for 10 years and split them into three categories: People who only drank coffee in the morning . . . people who drank it all day . . . and people who didn't drink it at all.
The morning coffee drinkers had a 16% lower risk of dying for any reason, and a 31% lower risk of dying from heart disease compared to the non-coffee group.
But the benefits disappeared for people who drank coffee all day. So, having your last cup before noon could save your life.
"Moderate" coffee drinkers saw the biggest benefits. They defined moderate as two to three cups each morning. The benefits dropped by half for people who drank more than that.
They're not sure why drinking it later in the day makes a difference. Their best guess is it messes with your sleep.
Nottingham College in England is offering classes on how to make phone calls. The main focuses are "phone etiquette" and "phone confidence."
Homework includes calling restaurants to ask what time they close instead of googling it. They also have to call stores and ask if something's in stock.
The term for it is telephobia.

A BBC story about the class mentioned a poll from last year that found 70% of people under 35 prefer texting. 23% said they NEVER answer their phone.
One student they talked to said phone calls are hard because you have to talk off the cuff. She said texting is easier because you can "think about the right way to approach someone."
Now that almost everything about our lives can be tracked, someone asked the internet, "What stats would you like to see after your death?"
"How many times I almost died without realizing it."
"How many times I'd made someone feel good about themselves without knowing it."
"Number of people who were attracted to me, while I had no idea."
"Top 5 songs I'd listened to . . . plus how many times I'd heard each." (i would add shows)
"How many times my body successfully destroyed a cancer before it could take hold."
"Total pounds pooped, along with the biggest one I've ever done."
"Number of times I made someone laugh."
"Not a stat, but I want a replay of the top 100 funniest things I'd witnessed."
"Not a stat, but I want a gallery of pictures where I'm visible in other people's photos, without my knowing."
"How many times I'd used each letter of the alphabet."
"How many diapers I'd changed."
"Times I almost stepped on a turd."
"Gambling results . . . preferably broken down in a spreadsheet, by year, sport, activity, and bet type."
"How many cats I've petted."
The best-selling video game in history is now "Minecraft" with roughly 300 million copies sold. (and it's getting its own movie with Jack Black and Jason Mamoa)
The only other game to sell more than 100 million is "Grand Theft Auto 5" at 205 million.
So there was a Grand Theft Auto movie...way before the video game. 1977 Ron Howard directed this comedy.
See the greatest cars in the world destroyed!
A rich girl steals her dad’s Rolls Royce and heads off to Las Vegas to get married. However, her angry parents, a jealous suitor, and a bunch of reward seekers are determined to stop her.
There's a fake trailer with Will Smith making the rounds, but at this time there is no GTA movie in the works....yet.
Two formerly long-haired people in the U.K. broke world records while donating their locks to a good cause.
38-year-old Ruth Tripp recently snagged the record for largest single hair donation by a woman, 5 feet 7 inches. And 37-year-old Jack Drever broke the record for men last month, 2 feet 11 inches.
Their hair went to a charity called Little Princess Trust that makes wigs for kids going through chemo.
Today's Useless Fact of the Day - The guy who invented cotton candy was a dentist from Tennessee.