Thursday 1/5/22
George Washington Carver Day
National Bird Day
National Keto Day
National Screenwriters Day
National Whipped Cream Day
Mega Millions is up there again. $940 Million which is a cash option $483.5 Million.
Drawing is Friday at 11pm. Go get your ticket!
If you had a real Christmas tree this year, you may be thinking about how you're going to dispose of it. Well, here's a reminder: You can totally just eat it.
A few years back we heard about an "artisan baker and cook" in the U.K. who wrote a book called "How to Eat Your Christmas Tree". And it features dozens of recipes you can make using your tree.
The author of the book says, "You can pretty much eat the whole thing."
The trend may be picking up steam. Reports this week say that "growing numbers of eco-conscious households [are] eating various parts before throwing them out." And the author confirms that it's "gaining traction."
The needles can be used like rosemary or bay leaves, and are a good source of vitamin C. They can also be crushed to flavor gin or vinegar. And the wood can be burned to make pine ash, which can be used as a flavoring, as fertilizer in gardens, and for cleaning the kitchen.
Last week, a 55-year-old man in Thailand pulled off to the side of the road in the middle of the night to use the restroom. His wife was sleeping in the backseat . . . but after he got out, she decided she could also use the bathroom.
The man came back, and accidentally drove off without her . . . thinking she was still sleeping in the back. And he drove around 100 miles before he realized she wasn't there.
The woman didn't have a phone or money . . . so she decided to start hoofing it on-foot, because she didn't want to stand around waiting on the side of the road.
She walked 13 MILES before finding a police station at 5:00 A.M. There aren't any specific details on how they reunited, but it sounds like the police were able to let the man know where to pick up his wife.
Today's Useless Fact of the Day - There WAS a real Dr. Pepper. A pharmacist named Charles Alderton created the soda, and his boss named it after Dr. Charles T. Pepper, who he'd worked with earlier in his career.
He also may've had a relationship with Pepper's daughter.