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9/12/21 What dangerous things did you do as a kid..but didn't think they were dangerous?

Sunday 9/12/21

Celebrate National Hug and High 5, Video Games, Chocolate Milkshake, Day of Encouragement, Pet Memorial, Hug Your Hound,

and Grandparent's Day. Celebrated in the United States since 1978, the United States Senate and President Jimmy Carter nationally recognized Marian McQuade of Oak Hill, West Virginia as the founder of National Grandparents Day. McQuade made it her goal to educate the youth in the community about the significant contributions that seniors have made throughout history. It was also her hope to have the youth “adopt” a grandparent, not just for one day or a year, but rather for a lifetime.


Buzzfeed has a list of things people say they did as kids, and then later, as adults, realized were really dangerous. (who are these people?? High place jumping was probably one of mine, into big snow piles) What would be your thing?


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