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6/9/23 - ChatGPT Can Work For You, Mosquitos, and Top Brands We Remember

Friday 6/9/23


Donald Duck Day

National Earl Day

National Marriage Day

National Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie Day

Writers' Rights Day

The weekend’s big new movie in theaters is

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts - with actors (or voices) John DiMaggio, Peter Dinklage, Michelle Yeoh, Ron Perlman, Pete Davidson, and more.

And in the streaming world,

Disney+ has Avatar: The Way of Water

Prime has Creed 3

Renfield is on Peacock

Chris Hemsworth returns with Extraction 2 on the's the sequel to the 2020 film that was not made by the Bangladesh Tourism Board. (watch'll see)

Saturday is the Belmont Stakes.

The third jewel in the Triple Crown of horse racing, racing off at 7:02pm. There won't be a Triple Crown winner because there have been two different winners for the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness Stakes.

1 Tapit Shoes 20-1

2 Tapit Trice 3-1

3 Arcangelo 8-1

4 National Treasure 5-1 (Preakness Winner)

5 Il Miracolo 30-1

6 Forte 5-2

7 Hit Show 10-1

8 Angel of Empire 7-2

9 Red Route One 15-1

The Kentucky Derby winner Mage is not racing.

Scientists at the Hebrew University in Isreal have developed a new kind of insect repellent, a "chemical camouflage" that they say will deter 99% of mosquitoes from landing on skin where it's applied.

"It prevents your smell that attracts mosquitoes and brings more, then it releases our repellent very slowly.

Some myths,

Citronella is no more effective than other candles.

Bug Zappers attract lots of insects, most aren't mosquitoes. In fact, they may zap a lot that prey on mosquitoes.

The best things to do.

Eliminate standing water.

Treat pools of water with "dunks." This helps prevent breeding.

Stock water gardens with fish.

Run fans at ground level. They are weak flyers, and it also dissipates the carbon dioxide you exhale and your smell that allows mosquitoes to find you.


Apple has said it will no longer automatically change one of the most common swear words to 'ducking'.

The autocorrect feature, which has long frustrated users, will soon be able to use AI to detect when you really mean to use that expletive.

iPhone users have often complained about how autocorrect forces them to rewrite their own messages - with the term "damn you autocorrect" becoming an acronym, a meme, an Instagram account and even a song.

The autocorrect change will be part of the iOS 17 operating system upgrades which are expected to be available as a public beta in July, with the general release in September.


Here are four practical things that real, normal, non-techy people can actually use ChatGPT to do . . .

1. Anything involving math. Need to figure out a percentage? Convert the time zone here to the time in London? Or even more confusing, in Arizona? Ask ChatGPT. It will handle the conversion fast.

2. Explain complex topics using simple metaphors. Want to finally understand blockchain? Or any other complex topic? Ask ChatGPT to "explain like I'm five" . . . you can even ask it to use a metaphor to whatever topic you want.

3. Write your emails for you. ChatGPT can write emails . . . or, at least, the first drafts . . . for you. There are good email tools out there where you quickly blaze through your emails by prompting ChatGPT how to respond to each one.

4. Summarize long documents. ChatGPT can read long reports for you and give you a summary. It's like an intern, minus the neediness.


A six-second TikTok is blowing up, because it's about how to stop people from reclining their seats on airplanes . . . or at least retaliate.

If the person in front of you puts their seat back the whole way, just open your vent full-blast . . . and aim it directly at their head.

The TikTok account behind it does a series called "Unethical Life Hacks."

Here are a few more suggestions they've come up with . . .

1. Find a two-for-one deal at a restaurant . . . offer to take orders and go pick up lunch for your coworkers . . . then charge them full price, and pocket the rest.

2. Ready to propose? Buy a cheap old ring at a pawn shop, and claim it was your grandmother's.

3. New baby? Smell their diaper while your spouse is in the room. If it DOESN'T smell, lie and say, "Whoa! Someone's got a poopy diaper!" Then take your kid to the other room . . . pretend to change them . . . and the next time they DO need changing, tell your spouse it's their turn.

Hastings, Nebraska just installed a six-foot statue of the Kool-Aid Man. A guy from Hastings named Edwin Perkins came up with Kool-Aid in 1927 after messing around in his mom's kitchen.

Which sends us to a recent survey that looked at the top brands that remind us of our childhood.

1. Nintendo


3. Play-Doh

4. Hot Wheels

5. Monopoly

6. Disney

7. Kool-Aid

8. Mattel

9. Nerf

10. Hasbro

Here are a few more that made the top 25: Slinky . . . Toys "R" Us . . . Silly Putty . . . McDonald's . . . Ice Pops . . . Big Wheels . . . Fruit Roll-Ups . . . Milton Bradley . . . Lincoln Logs . . . and Super Soakers.


Today's Useless Fact of the Day - Sudoku may sound Japanese, but it was originally invented in France in the late 19th century. It got its name when a company in Japan started publishing the puzzles and called them "Sudoku" in 1986.

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