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6/24/22 Peanut Butter Before Bed? Why Not! Plus Staycation Rules!

Friday 6/24/22


Celebration of the Senses

International Fairy Day

Museum Comes to Life Day

National Food Truck Day

National Pralines Day

Swim a Lap Day

Take Your Dog to Work Day

World UFO Day


What is Midsummer Day (June 24)?

A: Historically, this day marks the midpoint of the growing season, halfway between planting and harvest. It is traditionally known as one of four “quarter days” in some cultures. Folks celebrated by feasting, dancing, singing, and preparing for the hot summer days ahead.


A 26-year-old guy in the town of Trout Run, Pennsylvania called the cops last month after someone broke into his apartment . . . and only stole pierogis.

They took a five-pound bag of Mrs. T's pierogis out of the freezer and left. Now police are trying to track down whoever did it.

A five-pound bag has 60 pierogis in it. The police report lists the value as $10. And whoever stole them also did $10 worth of damage to the drywall in the kitchen. So that's 20 bucks total.

Police say their "investigation is ongoing." It's not clear if they have any solid leads yet.


Eating a spoonful of peanut butter before bed helps you burn more calories while you sleep.


it also contains a lot of calories per serving, so you may wonder whether eating this filling food before bed leads to weight gain.

A few studies suggest that eating large amounts of food late at night impairs weight loss and raises body weight. However, other factors may also play a role, including your overall diet quality, sleep duration, and other habits, such as skipping breakfast

On the other hand, some research indicates that eating at night may not cause weight gain directly but is linked to dietary habits and lifestyle behaviors that contribute to weight gain, including increased snacking, breakfast skipping, and decreased diet diversity.

The next time that you’re hankering for a midnight snack, consider your health goals before reaching for the jar of peanut butter.

If you’re trying to lose weight, consider lower calorie snacks like hummus, yogurt, hard-boiled eggs, or fresh fruit instead.


If you're planning a staycation this summer, here are six mistakes to avoid.

1. Not unplugging from your regular life. Staying home makes it even more difficult than usual to disconnect from your work life.

2. Booking at the last minute. Just because it's easy to plan a staycation doesn't mean you should wait until the last minute to make reservations.

3. Missing out on local discounts. Hotels and attractions frequently offer discounts for people who live nearby.

4. Sticking to your comfort zone. It's a good opportunity to discover hidden gems in your area and push yourself outside of your comfort zone.

5. ​ Skipping guided tours and classic tourist sites. You might think you know your own city, but tours and guides can introduce you to places and things you had no idea about. And being a tourist in your own city can be a lot of fun.

6. Not preparing your home. Since you're not spending money on flights or hotels, splurge on a little something for your house, like flowers, your favorite wine, or a housecleaner for before or after your staycation.

If you’re struggling to remember a word, clench your fist. This increases brain activity and improves memory, making it easier for you to remember.

Today's Useless Fact of the Day - India has the lowest meat consumption in the world, per capita. Indians only consume seven pounds of meat per person, per year. Australians take first place, wolfing down 200 pounds per person, per year. Americans are a close second.


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