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5/11/22 Food Fight!

Wednesday 5/11/22


Donate a Day's Wages to Charity

Eat What You Want Day

Hostess CupCake Day

International Receptionists' Day

National Root Canal Appreciation Day

National Third Shift Workers Day

National Twilight Zone Day

World Ego Awareness Day

World FM Day (facility management)


Police in Portland, Maine posted a pair of photos on Facebook over the weekend . . . after a 26-year-old woman tried to drive her SUV down a set of stairs outside police headquarters

They say she drove through their garage . . . then across a pedestrian plaza . . . and tried to get back to the street by going down a set of cement steps.

Her SUV either got stuck on them, or she realized but then couldn't back up.

She tried to claim she was just following her GPS. But police said her "excessive blood alcohol level" probably had more to do with it.

She's facing drunk driving charges. They said she's lucky no one was hurt.


The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame fan ballot voting had Duran Duran in first by a landslide. They got 250,000 more votes than the runner-up. This along with the other ballots chose the inductees which were announced last week.

1. Duran Duran . . . 934,880 votes

2. Eminem . . . 684,237 votes

3. Pat Benatar . . . 631,299 votes

4. Eurythmics . . . 442,271 votes

5. Dolly Parton . . . 393,796 votes


DJ KHALED has a message for McDonald's: "Why is it so dang hard to find a Happy Meal at McDonald's these days?"

Khaled was out with his five-year-old son Asahd, and they were looking to score a Happy Meal . . . for "Happy Meal Saturday," if that's even a thing.

But it turned into a HUGE adventure, because they went to FIVE McDonald's locations and every one was SOLD OUT. He finally found one place that had them in stock, and made a video, where he asked McDonald's what was up.

He said, "McDonald's, we need Happy Meals. The kids want Happy Meals."

Apparently it's likely a temporary thing. We recently heard that McDonald's is "refreshing" Happy Meals to phase out plastic toys and make them more eco-conscious. So maybe this is just a rough patch while they're changing gears?


The food blog "The Takeout" has a list of "10 foods and drinks that cause arguments every time they're mentioned" . . .

1. Hot dogs and their toppings . . . everything from ketchup to mayo.

2. The classic cocktail: The Old-Fashioned . . . bourbon versus brandy.

3. Buffalo wings . . . and the best places to get them, even if it's a chain.

4. Pasta carbonara . . . with unnecessary complications, like adding peas.

5. Pizza . . . pretty much everything about it, from style to toppings.

6. Cheesesteaks that aren't from Philadelphia . . . and toppings, like ketchup.

7. Chili . . . beans versus NO beans.

8. Barbecue . . . mainly which region is superior, but also preferred techniques.

9. Hoagies . . . the best way to build them, like how much meat.

10. Ranch dressing . . . gross or "nectar of the gods"?

A new survey found the top types of exercise that people avoid doing in public, and crunches are #1, with 46% of people not wanting others to see them doing it. The rest of the top five are: Sit-ups . . . squats . . . push-ups . . . and lunges.

There's no reasoning . . . but it's possible that crunches, sit-ups, and push-ups are intimidating because we don't think we can do very many.

Today's Useless Fact of the Day - The correct way to eat caviar is by putting it on the back of your hand, between your index finger and thumb. You're not supposed to use a spoon.


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