Monday 4/24/23
National Pigs-in-a-Blanket Day
New Kids on the Block Day - yes the band
A new poll asked 5,000 people in relationships what their favorite "date-night activities" are. Going out to eat is still #1. But staying in ranked second. Here are America's favorite date-night activities in 2023 . . .
1. Going out to dinner. 46% said it's a top date-night activity for them.
2. A night in together, 28%.
3. Going to the movies, 22%.
4. Cooking together, 15%.
5. Going on a long drive, 13%.
6. Shopping, 13%.
7. A romantic walk on the beach, 10%.
8. Going camping, 10%.
9. Engaging in a hobby together, 10%.
10. Game nights, 9%.
The poll also found the average couple has two dates per week.
Well, this is kind of awkward.
A mom online shared a card that her 10-year-old daughter made in art class. It's orange, with a bunch of hearts on it, and it says, "You are the best mom ever."
But it also says, "You love vodka, girl!" There's even a purple bottle depicted on the front, where it says, "I (heart) vodka"
The woman says, "It was really unexpected . . . [when I saw it,] I just did a nervous laugh . . . I was quite shocked.”
The funny thing is, the woman says she doesn't even drink vodka. She's actually obsessed with "plum gin" . . . and says that her daughter must have just confused gin and vodka.
Someone posted a hack where you can use your SodaStream to keep salad fresh.
The canisters you use with them are filled with CO2, which food companies already use to keep some vegetables fresh.
Here's the hack: Just take a bag of salad . . . leave a small opening to fit the SodaStream nozzle in . . . pump some CO2 in there . . . and seal it back up.
You can transfer it to a zip-lock bag first if you want to. But you don't need to be TOO careful about it leaking out. Too much can be overkill. You only need around 15% CO2 in there.
The magazine "Cook's Illustrated" tested it out with a bag of mixed greens, and it worked. It kept them fresh for nine days compared to five days without the CO2.
Some people LOVE to show off their wealth, but others are subtle. There's a thread online where people are talking about the "non-obvious" signs that someone is "super rich."
They include . . .
1. Wearing very nice clothing . . . without any brand identification.
2. Casually having expensive hobbies . . . like sailing, skiing, and golfing.
3. "Minimalist" style and décor in their homes.
4. Being very selective in those they choose to be friends with . . . "for various legal reasons."
5. Teeth . . . you can tell when someone's gone to the dentist or orthodontist multiple times a year their entire lives, and that's expensive.
6. The quality of the food they eat.
7. Spending extensive time . . . even full seasons . . . in another place.
8. Their couches don't touch the wall. - couches of rich people are usually "out there in the open."
A 44-year-old man from Maryland is facing multiple years in prison, after he bombarded his ex with non-stop calls back in December.
Derik Bowers called his ex 815 times in just two days. Yes, 48 hours. That's 17 times an hour . . . or once every 3.5 minutes . . . if he didn't sleep at all.
That's crazy!!
But thats not all, Derik also sent his ex thousands of texts and Facebook messages over a few months . . . and used social media posts to call her out and embarrass her.
He was arrested and charged with cyberstalking . . . and he's looking at up to five years in prison.
Old Farmers Almanac had an article about storing fruits and vegetables.
First most produce keep in cold, moist conditions.
And most stored in the fridge. Cucumbers though last longer in a perforated plastic bag in a cool spot in the kitchen. Eggplant, Zucchini, and Peppers also.
Also, Onions, Garlic, Potatoes, Pumpkins and Winter Squash, and Tomatoes should never be in the fridge.
Fruits for the fridge are Apples, Berries, Citrus, Grapes, Pears, Melons (once sliced), and stone fruit like Peaches.
Those not to fridge, Bananas, Avacados, Pineapples, and Tropical Fruit.
Today’s Useless Fact of the Day - There are 20 countries in the world with no rivers. Saudi Arabia is by far the biggest . . . it's 830,000 square miles, and there are zero rivers.