Tuesday 4/19/22
Bicycle Day
Humorous Day
National Amaretto Day
National Garlic Day
National Hanging Out Day - Hanging your laundry outside
National Stress Awareness Day
Rice Ball Day
For its spring exhibition game, the University of Central Florida football team is replacing the numbers on its jerseys with QR codes. Fans can scan players’ jerseys with a smartphone and receive links to their bios on UCF’s official website, which leads you to the players’ social media pages, contact info and merchandise. It’s part of an effort to promote the newly permitted name, image and likeness (NIL) rules that allow players to profit off the popularity that comes with being a major college athlete.
A stress management app looked through its data, and found the most stressful hour of the week is different for men and women.
For the average woman, it's 7:00 p.m. on a Monday or Tuesday.
For the average man, it's 8:00 p.m. on Friday.
It also found women are 5% more stressed out than men in general.
This is about as mixed of a message as you can get: A woman in New York posted a screen shot from her phone after she got a weird text about a job she applied for.
We don't know what the job is, but they asked if she was still interested, then insulted her. The text said, "Hey, Jasmine. I'm just following up on our paperwork appointment from Monday. Are you still interested in the position you piece of crap?"
The person who sent it claimed it was a "misspelled word," so it might have been an auto-correct mistake. Or maybe they were using voice-to-text in their car or something, and were yelling at another driver.
Jasmine did not end up taking the job in the end. She said it was minimum wage anyway.
Do you ever resort to bribery to get your kids to eat their vegetables? A new poll of 1,000 parents found the average person does it four times a week.
You can't just hide vegetables in their food. Nine out of ten parents say their kid has called them out on that before. So our go-to tactic is . . . bribing them with JUNK food. The most common way we reward our kids for eating healthy is by bribing them with ice cream. And four of the top five bribes are food-related.
1. Ice cream.
2. Chocolate.
3. Other sweets.
4. Pudding.
5. Extra video game time.
New toys, extra phone time, and staying up late also made the list.
A lot of parents are pushovers when it comes to healthy eating. 51% said their kid "always wins" when there's an argument about it. And 78% say it feels like a huge accomplishment when they don't put up a fight.
'N SYNC is teasing something but we don't know what yet.
They Tweeted a picture of a woman wearing a sweatshirt that seems to say "Pop!" on the back. But it's hard to tell. It's partially obscured, because she's inside the "N" from 'N Sync.
It also says "Vol. 7 Coming Soon" . . . and the caption says, "Something is Coming . . ."
Fans are getting HYPED, thinking maybe there's a reunion coming. 'N Sync hasn't released new music since they went on a "hiatus" in 2002.
Today's Useless Fact of the Day - "Tron" wasn't nominated for the Oscar for visual effects in 1982 . . . because the Academy felt the producers CHEATED by using computers.