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3/5/22 Hiatus Brain and Classic Songs

Saturday 3/5/22

Celebrate Cinco de Marcho, International Open Data, National Cheese Doodle, Potty Dance, Poutine, Absinthe, Multiple Personality, and Reel Film Day.


The question is..will these songs still be popular in 100 years! I love how most of the answers are half and half.


Back in the old days, the gap between one TV season ending and the next one beginning was, like, three or four months.

Now, you can wait years in between seasons of a show, and the fact that most shows are episodic now means that you're supposed to remember every little thing that happened from season to season.

This is creating a phenomenon that a writer at NPR calls "Hiatus Brain". Some people blame the pandemic, but it started even before that when TV started breaking the typical primetime network model.

Quote, "It's what happens when a narrative show leaves its viewers alone for too long before returning to continue the narrative.

"Once the lag between seasons begins to surpass, say, 10 to 12 months, the mind has a significantly harder time picking up where the show last left off.

"Plotlines are lost to the sands of time, established character arcs exist as little more than blemishes barely imprinted on the surface of the mind."


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