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11/6/23 - Whale Vomit, What To Tell Your Younger Self, and TV Dinner

Monday 11/6/23


Basketball Day

Marooned Without a Compass Day

National Nachos Day

National Saxophone Day

No big opening movie since Dune was moved to March and no big surprises in the weekend box office report.

Five Nights at Freddy's $19.4M

Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour $13.5M

Killers of the Flower Moon $7.0M

Priscilla $5.1M

Radical $2.7M

In ocean news: Experts always thought starfish didn't have heads. But a new study found their entire body is a head. They lost their torso and other features as they evolved. Quote, "[A starfish] is best described as just a head crawling along the seafloor."


A guy's dog found a rare lump of whale barf on a beach in Scotland, and it could turn into a huge payday for him. Whale vomit has stuff in it that's used in high-end perfumes. The chunk his dog found could be worth thousands of dollars.

It's ambergris – a valuable chunk of secretion produced in the intestines of sperm whales.

A new poll asked people how often they watch TV while eating dinner at home, and 24% say they ALWAYS do. Another 28% say they usually do . . . 25% say they sometimes do . . . and 12% say they rarely do.

Only 9% of people say they NEVER watch TV while having dinner.

If you break it down by demographics, older folks are more likely to "always" eat dinner in front of the tube. But they're also the groups that are most likely to say that they "never" watch TV while having dinner.

Women are more likely to watch TV while eating than men . . . and it's a more common practice in the South. It's least common out West.

A father in Alameda, California says that his kids went trick-or-treating . . . and someone gave them SAUCE PACKETS instead of candy.

There was a wide variety: Heinz ketchup, yellow mustard, BBQ, Taco Bell hot sauce, sriracha, honey, McDonald's grape jam, soy sauce, and hoisin sauce.

He seemed to find it amusing. He said, "Single serving sauce packets were 'recycled' as 'treats.' Let it not be said that Alameda peeps don't have a great sense of humor."

Someone joked that the sriracha was a score, since there's been a shortage of that. And another person said, "My son came home with a packet of Southwest Airlines pretzels. Can't complain when he still has eight pounds of candy."

It's unclear who was handing out the sauce packets.

In a new survey, 26% of parents say packing their kid's lunchbox is their LEAST favorite chore. In fact, 29% would rather clean the bathroom than put a few things together for their kid's lunch.

And 17% of parents say they'd rather get a CAVITY FILLED. Which seems unnecessarily dramatic.

Packing lunchboxes can take a lot of time . . . especially if you're preparing multiple items to your kids' taste, and not just tossing a Lunchable in. And it can be frustrating . . . because 72% of parents say their child's lunches "often" come back from school uneaten.


A 50-year-old man in Spain is being accused of faking a heart attack . . . just to get out of paying a restaurant bill. That seems VERY dramatic, especially since he's apparently done it at least 20 times.

One restaurant said he ordered several glasses of White Label whiskey to wash down a Russian salad before faking the heart attack. And MULTIPLE restaurants have been passing his photo around to warn other places.

The man has since been caught, and was sentenced to 42 days in jail. And he could be in more trouble. His scams were considered "minor crimes" because the totals weren't a lot individually . . . but the restaurant owners are planning to file a joint complaint, which could lock him up for up to two years.

This is so much more than dine and dash.


39% of us have at least one big regret in life, according to a new survey. And half of those people said it has to do with a RELATIONSHIP. But that ISN'T the first thing we'd bring up. Here are the Top 20 things we'd want to tell ourselves.

1. Be more confident. Good advice in general, just easier said than done.

2. Try not to care what other people think. Again, not as easy when you're young.

3. Don't let opportunities pass you by. In other words, seize the day.

4. Look after your physical health. Don't wait until you're already old and sore.

5. Don't waste time on negative people. They're not worth it, stay positive.

6. Learn from your mistakes, so you don't repeat them.

7. Save 10% of your paycheck. The earlier you start, the better.

8. Get in the habit of eating healthy. Your metabolism WILL slow down someday.

9. Go on all the vacations you can. Don't get so focused on work, you skip them.

10. Invest in property as soon as possible. Gen Z'ers LOVE getting that advice. "Just buy a house, kids . . . no big deal."

11.Don't settle. That applies to work, relationships, and everything else.

12. Relax and enjoy the ride.

13. Look after your mental health.

14. Spend more time with your parents while you still can.

15. Celebrate the little wins in life. Not just the big ones.

16. Take more risks.

17. When it comes to dating, don't be afraid of rejection. So, just be yourself.

18. Always be there for your friends.

19. Take more photos. Didn't cell phones kinda solve that one?

20. Be disciplined with your time. In other words, don't waste it.


Today’s Useless Fact of the Day - In around two-thirds of the country, "Jeopardy" airs before "Wheel of Fortune". In the other one-third, "Wheel" is first.

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