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11/17/22 - Great Advice. Aging, and You Aren't the Queen of Christmas

Thursday 11/17/22


Electronic Greeting Card Day

Great American Smokeout

Homemade Bread Day

International Guinness World Records Day

International Happy Gose Day - Gose, pronounced GOZE-uh, is a tart wheat beer of German provenance. It is made with a warm fermentation process and usually, 50% or more of the grain bill is malted wheat.

International Students' Day

National Baklava Day

National Butter Day

National Farm Joke Day

National Rural Health Day

National Take a Hike Day

National Unfriend Day

Nouveau Beaujolais Day

Social Enterprise Day

The Little Mermaid Day

Use Less Stuff Day

World Pancreatic Cancer Day

World Peace Day

World Philosophy Day

World Prematurity Day


Mariah Carey just heard a word she's probably not accustomed to hearing: NO. Because her bid to trademark the phrase "Queen of Christmas" was denied.

She also failed to trademark the phrases "Princess Christmas" and "Christmas Princess".

She was hoping to lock them down for a variety of products, but she faced opposition, most notably from singer Elizabeth Chan. . . who actually has an album titled "The Queen of Christmas".

Chan didn't believe that anyone should own that phrase because, quote, "Christmas is a season of giving, not the season of taking."


When it comes to your health, you can get away with almost anything in your 20s and early 30s . . . but after that, you're doing whatever you can to stave off aging.

A new study has found that the average American begins to notice the signs of aging at the age of 42. And on average, people believe they're at the peak of their health at the age of 34.

But not everyone was even that lucky. 15% of people say they noticed some signs of aging before age 35.

And it's more about health than male pattern baldness, gray hairs, or wrinkles. Some of the indicators they mention include: Joint pain, higher blood pressure, diabetes, slower metabolism, weight gain, and "chronic issues."

On average, the age of 39 is when people start to make changes to their health and wellness routines . . . to account for not getting any younger.


Aubrey Plaza received some wise advice from John C. Reilly on acting. It's basically the same thing your parents said before you left the house for a long trip. It's to always pee first before doing a scene.

On an episode of IMDb's "On the Scene", Aubrey said, quote, "Never do a scene where you have to pee, because somewhere in the back of your mind you're going to be just slightly affected by the impulse to want to pee yourself . . .

"I demand to pee before every performance and at every intermission! I hate myself."

Watch her in the second season of HBO's White Lotus.


There's a thread online where people are talking about things we like less the older we get . . . and the #1 answer seems to be people, which is both depressing and true.

Here are some other highlights from the discussion:

1. Social media . . . "I enjoy it less and less the older I get."

2. Waiting . . . "Anything with hype that requires me to stand in a long line."

3. Drinking alcohol, and especially getting drunk.

4. Loud places, like bars and parties . . . and even, "Loud noises in general."

5. Shopping for anything, even groceries . . . "It used to be fun, now it's a chore."

6. Driving . . . "My car as an adult is a million times more fun to drive, but I'm perpetually annoyed being on the road . . . it isn't just cruising around."

7. Video games . . . "As an adult, I feel like I'm entering into a long term relationship every time I start a new video game that I don't have time for. As a kid you didn't feel guilty dumping an entire weekend into a game."

8. Holidays . . . "As kids it's about opening presents, having fun, and eating . . . but as adults you need to be the one to cook the big meals all day, organize all the fun, and buy the presents."

9. Staying up "late."

10. Sex scenes in movies . . . It's like, "Yeah, yeah. Then what happened?"

11. Snow.

12. French fries . . . "I never feel good or happy when I have eaten them anymore." And another person said: Cinnamon. (???) "The older I get the more it just starts tasting like bits of tree and less like a yummy dessert."


Today's Useless Fact of the Day - The roles of Al and Peg Bundy on "Married with Children" were based on Sam Kinison and Roseanne Barr. Both of them were originally offered the parts, and they both turned them down.


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