Monday 10/17/22
Black Poetry Day
Edge Day
Four Prune Day - a day to eat prunes, and is named as such because it is believed that someone looking for digestive regularity will get it by eating between four and nine prunes in a sitting. They got rebranded to dried plums in 2001.
International Adjust Your Chair Day
Mulligan Day
Multicultural Diversity Day
National Boss Day
National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day
National Pasta Day
National Playing Card Collection Day
Pay Back a Friend Day
Spreadsheet Day
Wear Something Gaudy Day
World Trauma Day
It is official: The Fattest Bear of 2022 has been crowned. Bear 747, an adult male who weighs as much as 1,400 pounds, has won his second title after claiming the first one in 2020.
This year’s vote was briefly marred by a ballot-stuffing scandal, but the candidate himself was not implicated as he spends most of his time out of Wi-Fi range in Katmai National Park.
What are the three hardest months for you? No, you may not say "this month . . . last month . . and next month."
I would have guessed September because of back to school, or December because, well Holidays. Nope.
In a new survey, parents say the most challenging month to get through is February. January and March tied for the second-worst.
They didn't ask why, but there are plenty of possibilities: There's extra effort in keeping kids dressed properly . . . getting around to activities in winter weather . . . kids may be more likely to be stuck inside during those months . . . kids may be more sick . . . and some parents may be operating with less time off.
-- posted lists of the top-selling costumes so far for kids, adults, and pets.
1. The top 10 for adults are: Inflatable T-rex . . . Wonder Woman 1984 . . . Buddy the Elf . . . Dark Knight . . . Dorothy from "The Wizard of Oz" . . . Captain Marvel . . . Rey from "The Force Awakens" . . . Harley Quinn . . . "Ride a Beer Buddy", where it looks like you're riding on a guy's shoulders . . . and Elvis.
2. The top 10 for kids are: Paw Patrol . . . Justice League . . . Dorothy . . . Darth Vader . . . Harley Quinn . . . black-and-white striped inmate costumes . . . inflatable T-rex . . . Black Panther . . . Foxy from the video game "Five Nights at Freddy's" . . . and Sonic the Hedgehog.
3. The top costumes for pets are: Minions . . . Bette Midler's Winifred character from "Hocus Pocus" . . . Beetlejuice . . . Tigger from "Winnie-the-Pooh" . . . walking teddy bear costumes . . . walking vet costumes . . . Ariel from "The Little Mermaid" . . . Slimer from "Ghostbusters" . . . Snow White . . . and Superman.
Pinterest also posted a list of the top costumes that are more popular than last year. The ones seeing the biggest boost are: "Stranger Things" . . . Elvis and Priscilla . . . Patrick Bateman from "American Psycho" . . . and "Top Gun" costumes.
If you want to eat a full sleeve of Oreos, no one's stopping you. But could this change your mind, or is it overkill?
A study in England found that instead of just calorie counts on labels, printing the amount of exercise you'd need to burn them off might help people eat less.
For example, a can of Pepsi with 150 calories might say you'd have to "walk for 30 minutes," or "run for 15 minutes." (Or, when you eat a whole "Family Size" box of Cheez-Its, just head out on a nice five-hour-long jog.)
There's already a name for that kind of labeling. It's called "PACE", which stands for "Physical Activity Calorie Equivalents."
For what it's worth, they polled people in the U.K. and most were NOT in favor of it. Only 33% said it's a good idea. But around half did agree it would probably grab their attention more than just seeing the nutritional info.
You know how there are those park benches with plaques that pay tribute to someone with a little inscription?
Well, someone in the Canadian town of Caledon found one that was honoring someone who HASN'T DIED YET. It said, "Cathy in the forest. Your smile said it all. September 7th, 1954 to December 6th, 2022."
They posted a photo online, and there was some debate about what it meant . . . but it turns out there was a simple explanation: It was probably just a typo.
Someone found an obituary for a Cathy with those dates . . . except she passed away in December of LAST year, so someone probably just put 2022 by accident.
Can’t sleep? Try this breathing exercise: Inhale for four seconds. Hold your breath for seven seconds. Exhale for eight seconds. Repeat. This will relax your body right to sleep!
(Of course, this will stress you out as you try to remember what you're supposed to do and then you won't be able to fall asleep)
Today's Useless Fact of the Day - Arby's got its name from founders Leroy and Forrest Raffel. Get it? Raffel Brothers . . . RBs . . . Arby's.