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9/14/24 & 9/15/24 - Out Of Office Replies, WHAT?, and Chips and Dip

Saturday  9/14/24

Sunday 9/15/24



Eat a Hoagie Day

German Language Day

Gobstopper Day

National Black and White Cookie Day

National Coloring Day

National Cream-Filled Donut Day

National Iguana Awareness Day

National Lacemaking Day

National Parents' Day Off

National Sober Day

Support Latino Business Day

World First Aid Day


Butterscotch Cinnamon Pie Day

Greenpeace Day

International Day of Democracy

International Dot Day

Make a Hat Day

National Brunch Day

National Caregivers Day

National Cheese Toast Day

National Creme de Menthe Day

National Double Cheeseburger Day

National Felt Hat Day

National Linguine Day

National Neighborhood Day

National Online Learning Day

National Thank You Day

National Wife Appreciation Day

National Women's Friendship Day

Someday - everything you've put off to Someday you need to do today.

World Afro Day


New in Theaters

"The Killer's Game"  An action comedy starring Dave Bautista as a hitman who's diagnosed with a terminal illness and decides to go out on his own terms by putting a contract out on himself through his worst enemy, his "Guardians of the Galaxy" costar Pom Klementieff.

Also starring Ben Kingsley and Terry Crews.

"Speak No Evil" - Suspense movie with James McAvoy, Mackenzie Davis, Scoot McNairy, Aisling Franciosi, Alix West Lefler, and Dan Hough.

Gen Z out-of-office messages are absolutely brutal!

On vacation. Hoping to win the lottery and never return.

The bad news is that I'm out of office. the good news is that I'm out of office.

Do not contact me while I'm on leave or I'll report you to HR.

ERROR 404: Employee not found

Please enjoy your break from me!

If you need me... too bad!

I'm unsure why you're emailing me given that I put this on my calendar months ago.

Contact someone other than me.

Get somebody else to do it.

Knock knock. Who's there? Not me.

On holiday. Do I have access to the internet? Yes. Am I going to use it to respond to your email? No.

Contact literally anyone else but me.

Enjoying life! Will be back when I run out of money. 

Right email. Wrong timing.

I'm busy drinking cocktails [cocktail emoji] Catch ya later (or not)

I'm not really out of the office. I'm just ignoring you [painting nails emoji]


What's the most common response you hear when you say something:  "Yes" . . . "no" . . . "I don't know" . . . or "What did you say?"

According to new research, the average person says "What did you say?" to someone else THREE times a day.  That's about 21 times a week . . . 91 times a month . . . and 1,095 times per year.

Obviously, there are several reasons why we ask people to repeat themselves:  hearing issues . . . we didn't follow what was said . . . we weren't listening . . . or we're buying time to come up with an answer.

If they couldn't hear, the average person will ask for it to be repeated TWICE before giving up on understanding and just pretending to have heard.


Researchers at Penn State University have discovered a "disastrous link" between dips and caloric intake:  Snackers consume 77% more calories when eating chips served with dip than just chips alone, without dip.

This seems obvious . . . but the researchers "assumed that adding dip to the snack would cause people to eat fewer chips." 

And . . . they don't.

They did a study where a group of participants made two visits to the testing center.  The first time they were given three small bags of chips.  The second time, they were given three small bags of chips . . . and also ranch.

They told them to eat as much as they wanted . . . so the people just ate everything both times.  So, people will eat roughly the same amount of chips in a snacking session whether or not there's dip. 

Also, they found that people would eat the chips FASTER if there's dip involved.

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