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8/29/23 - Bob Barker, Pickles, and SNL Characters


Tuesday 8/29/23


According to Hoyle Day

Chop Suey Day

Individual Rights Day

Lemon Juice Day

More Herbs, Less Salt Day

Weekend Box Office:

It's pretty much a dead heat between Gran Turismo: Based on a True Story and Barbie this weekend. This weekend was National Cinema Day on Sunday where tickets to movies were $4. Gran is stating that it's made $17.3 Million (they are adding the Thursday previews) but it looks like Barbie sold more tickets.

3. Blue Beetle $12.8 Million

4. Oppenheimer $9 Million

5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem $6.1 Million

The other new one that opened locally The Hill made #9.


Bob Barker host of “Truth or Consequences” and “The Price Is Right,” died Saturday at the age of 99.

Nancy Burnet, his longtime friend and co-executor of his estate, said in a statement, “I am so proud of the trailblazing work Barker and I did together to expose the cruelty to animals in the entertainment industry and including working to improve the plight of abused and exploited animals in the United States and internationally."

I'm sure his tombstone will say “Have your pets spayed or neutered.”

The joke going around social media all weekend was that he came as close as he could to 100 without going over. in reference to the spin of the wheel.

Bob also delivered a beatdown to Adam Sandler in the 1996 comedy "Happy Gilmore". They won the 1996 MTV Movie Award for best fight.


There is an app for everything...and apps for...well not you.

A new concierge app called Myria is in the news after a "New York Post" reporter got access to it. But don't bother rushing to the App Store. It's only for the SUPER wealthy. Membership alone costs $30,000 a year.

Once you're a member, you can text them to get pretty much anything. Front row seats to Taylor Swift is nothing . . . we're talking DINNER with Taylor Swift.

Not just anyone can join though. It's invite-only, and you need a net worth of at least $30 MILLION. Their current average member is worth around $600 million.

A guy named Rey Flemings launched it. He used to work in the music business, and built up a huge Rolodex. Over the past decade, he's become the go-to guy when celebrities and billionaires need something.

For example, he once got a client two seats at the OSCARS, sitting ninth row next to Jeff Bezos. And it took him less than a day.

The app currently has less than 100 members. Many of them are A-list celebrities, athletes, and CEOs. And there's a "community" feature, so they can all hob-nob with each other.


Someone on TikTok who has way to much time on their hands, pointed out that jars of pickles almost never have the word "pickles" on the label.

Most big brands like Claussen and Vlasic say things like "Kosher Dill Spears" or "Bread & Butter Slices." But the word "pickles" is nowhere to be found.

TikTok is calling it "Picklegate," and people have been offering up explanations.

One theory was it has to have specific ingredients to be called a "pickle." Another was that all sorts of foods can be pickled. So maybe it's not allowed, because it's too vague?

One person even joked that in order to be called pickles, "they need to be from the Pickle Region in France."

Someone asked the big pickle brands to comment. And the real reason is . . . they just don't think it's necessary.

It's a glass jar, and you can see the pickles inside.

Vlasic said there's limited space on the label, so they prefer to, quote, "clearly communicate the form and flavor inside each jar." Claussen and other brands basically said the same thing.


Everyone has a favorite recurring character from "Saturday Night Live". just put out a list of the 30 best. Here's their Top 10:

1. The Blues Brothers. Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi.

2. Mister Robinson. Eddie Murphy.

3. Matt Foley, motivational speaker. Chris Farley.

4. Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar. Mike Myers and Dana Carey.

5. The Church Lady. Dana Carvey.

6. Buckwheat. Eddie Murphy.

7. Roseanne Roseannadanna. Gilda Radner.

8. Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer. Phil Hartman.

9. Irwin Mainway of Mainway Toys. Dan Aykroyd.

10. Hans and Franz. Dana Carvey and Kevin Nealon.

See their full list and reasons why here.


"The Wall Street Journal" just did a big article on an emerging trend: Suddenly, a lot more of us are EARLY BIRDS for some reason.

Restaurants are now seating 10% of customers between 2:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. That's up from 5% in 2019.

They're also closing earlier, because it doesn't make financial sense to stay open. Getting a reservation at 7:00 P.M. can be easier than at 5:00 now, it's always been the opposite of that. And the new trend is to close the kitchen around 8:00.

Uber says trips to restaurants between 4:00 and 5:00 P.M. are up almost 10% since 2019, and rides to restaurants after 8:00 P.M. are down 9%.

They're not the only ones adjusting. Even Broadway shows are starting earlier now. 8:00 P.M. used to be the norm for a Friday show, now a third of them are starting at 7:00 P.M. on Fridays.

So why are people shifting from night owls to early birds? No one's sure, but here are two theories.

It's become trendier for young people to be healthy, avoid alcohol, and get a full night's sleep. So that's one possible factor.

Working from home might be another one. If you don't have to drive home and get ready before you go out, you can meet up with people earlier. Plus, skipping out of work early is easier if your boss isn't there.


A website used Google Trends data to determine the Top Three junk foods in every state . . . and overall, Starburst got the most love, followed by Pringles, Sour Patch Kids, and Skittles.

Kit-Kat is #1 inNew York, and Swedish Fish are #1 in Pennsylvania.

Some of the more unique #1s are: Fruit Roll-Ups being #1 in Alaska and Louisiana . . . Beef Jerky being #1 in New Mexico . . . Funyuns taking the top spot in Texas . . . and Baby Ruth beating out everything else in South Carolina.


Today's Useless Fact of the Day - Victoria's Secret sold men's underwear from 1985 to 1993.



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