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8/10/24 & 8/11/24 - Lazy Day, Groundhogs, and Pop Tarts

Saturday 8/10/24

Sunday 8/11/24



Celebrate Your Lakes Day

International Vlogging Day

National Bowling Day

National Duran Duran Appreciation Day

National Garage Sale Day

National Lazy Day

National Model Aviation Day

National S'mores Day

National Shapewear Day

National Spoil Your Dog Day (like you don't every day)

Smithsonian Day

World Lion Day


Annual Medical Checkup Day

Gay Uncles Day

Melon Day

National Panini Day

National Raspberry Bombe Day

National Raspberry Tart Day

Play in the Sand Day

Presidential Joke Day

Son and Daughter Day


International Cat Day was the other day and a British poll asked 2,000 cat and dog owners to name the top things that can freak their pet out, or cause anxiety.  

1.  Fireworks. 47% say their pet finds them terrifying.

2.  Going to the vet, 41%.

3.  The vacuum cleaner, 37%.

4.  New people they've never met, 34%.

5.  Sudden movements, 32%.

6.  Balloons popping, 25%.

7.  A loud fart, 19%.

8.  Getting too close to kiss or cuddle them, 12%.

9.  The sound of a tea kettle whistling, 9%.

10.  Opening the fridge. 7% say it makes their pet jump. (I don't think this one is just means you're in the kitchen and they might get something to eat if they look at you with the sad eyes...they are good at those!)

Massive Pop-Tarts the size of a BIG SCREEN TV went on sale this week and immediately sold out.  They only made 15, and only sold them in L.A., Chicago, and New York.

Each "Pop-Tart Party Pastry" is over 70 times larger than a normal Pop-Tart, and big enough to feed 73 people.  They cost $60, including delivery. The only flavor choice was strawberry.


Today is National Lazy Day and according to a new poll, the average American needs five lazy days a month to feel rested and relaxed.  That's 60 per year, and a little more than one a week.

Obviously, lazy days don't usually happen on their own, so 21% plan their lazy days in advance . . . and 11% actually put them on their calendar.

So what is a "lazy day"?  Here's how the people in the poll shaped it:

3 hours . . . doing absolutely nothing

3 hours . . . just sitting and enjoying your living space

3 hours . . . watching movies and TV

2 hours . . . in bed

2 hours . . . napping

2 hours . . . scrolling on your phone

1 hour . . . eating

1 hour . . . reading

1 hour . . . listening to an audiobook or podcast

1 hour . . . dreading the next day.

That's 19 hours, leaving five hours to sleep. Which sounds about right.  Even when you DO get a day to yourself, you can't get a "normal" night of sleep.


Swimming in the Seine in Paris is part of the Olympics..and it shouldn't be!!!!!

Hungarian swimmer Bettina Fabian said, quote, "It was really hard because we couldn't really focus on the race.  We had to care about the [water] quality, and what's going to happen afterwards.

"We [had to] focus on not swallowing water and [being] safe in the race.  I saw some brown things; I hope it's not what I thought it was."

Some Olympians are actually drinking Coca Cola after swimming in the Seine, because it can supposedly help ward off E.coli or other bacteria.  But that might not actually be true.


Has anyone checked on Punxsutawney Phil since his prediction in February?? Does he like golf???

There's a place called the Meadows Family Fun Mini Golf in Duncansville, Pennsylvania which is only about 60 miles from Punxsutawney . . . and they had a random groundhog show up unexpectedly.

INSIDE one of those claw machine arcade games.  Yes!!! A REAL, LIVE groundhog. 

No one knows how the groundhog got in there, but employees quickly called a local game warden, as well as a representative from the company that operates the claw machine.

They were able to get the groundhog out . . . and the animal was NOT injured . . . so they released it back into the wild.


Today's TikTok hack is a no go..DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME...OR ANYWHERE!!!

There's a woman on TikTok . . . a Brazilian model named Débora Peixoto . . . who's claiming to have a skincare hack that reverses aging.  It's caking her face . . . in her own poo.

Yup, you heard that correctly, she is smearing a makeshift BROWN MASK across her face.

She shared a video that apparently shows her doing it, and she describes it as, "the craziest thing I've done in my life."  Yeah, no kidding, lady.

She pinches her nose closed with a clothespin to avoid the stench . . . and she leaves it on for several minutes before washing it off.  She says it works for her, and prevents her skin from flaking.  Cool.

This should go without saying, but experts say you should NOT smear poo on your face.  Because of obvious reasons, AND it can also make you susceptible to bacterial and viral infections, parasites, and food poisoning.

And some skin doctors warn that it could actually have a NEGATIVE effect on your skin, including redness and discomfort.


A 47-year-old woman in Oregon named Jennifer Holmes was arrested last weekend, after she started a fire, in one of the dumbest ways possible.

She was driving a bakery truck with "Nana's Sweet Treats" written on the side when she rolled up to a U-Haul parking lot . . . and began siphoning gas. To pass the time while doing that (and probably get the taste of gas out of her mouth), she lit a cigarette. 

She was caught on surveillance video and was later tracked down.

She has been charged with second-degree arson . . . first-degree criminal mischief . . . and reckless burning.


A dad in West Virginia broke a state record with a 47-pound catfish he caught while using his three-year-old daughter's pink fishing pole.

“I got my daughter a little $9.99 pink rod… she’s 3 and she can reel them in, but she can’t cast it out. So I cast it out for her and I was holding the rod and she was sitting on my lap,” he told West Virginia Outdoors.


Chicago's annual Ducky Derby fundraiser happened Wednesday.  You pay $10 to sponsor a rubber duck.  Then they drop them all into the Chicago River, and you win money if your duck makes it to shore first. 

According to their website, over 75,000 ducks were sponsored this year.  They raised around $400,000 for the Special Olympics. 

Here's the video of the drop


In physics:  The secret ingredient for nuclear fusion and limitless energy might be . . . mayonnaise?  It behaves like plasma under certain conditions, and it's a lot easier to work with.  Scientists are using it as a stand-in to better understand the precise physics of plasma.


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