Wednesday 7/6/22
International Kissing Day
National Air Traffic Control Day
National Fried Chicken Day
Take Your Webmaster to Lunch Day
Umbrella Cover Day
Virtually Hug a Virtual Assistant Day
The “Dog Days” of summer are from July 3 to August 11 each year. They’re usually the hottest and most unbearable days of the season. We often hear about the “Dog Days” of summer, but few know where the expression originated.

Some think it’s a reference to the hot, sultry days that are “not fit for a dog.” Others suggest it’s the time of year when the extreme heat drives dogs mad.
The farmers almanac explains that it is a reference to Sirius, the Dog Star. During the “Dog Days” period, the Sun occupies the same region of the sky as Sirius, the brightest star visible from any part of Earth. Sirius is a part of the constellation Canis Major, the Greater Dog.
A 30-year-old guy from Houston named Ladesion Riley wants to be a rapper, and posts his stuff on YouTube.
He goes by the stage name "Jug God" and has a song called "Make It Home". It's about robbing ATMs in other states, and trying to get home before cops arrest him.
Now he's facing charges for doing EXACTLY THAT. He and three friends recently traveled to Nashville and robbed an ATM technician.
The technician had the ATM open, apparently to reload it with cash. So they snuck up behind him . . . said don't do anything stupid . . . and took off with a bunch of money.
Police and FBI agents tracked them down at a motel the same day and arrested them after they checked out. So they did NOT "Make It Home."
The nickname "Jug God" is apparently a reference to "jugging." That's when you follow someone home from a bank to rob them.
All four are facing federal charges. Now the FBI is trying to find out if they've committed any other robberies.
Eat This, Not That recently posted a list of eight popular brands of coffee that use the "lowest quality" coffee you can find.

Here's what they say
1. Yuban. It used to be good, but they don't use 100% Columbian beans anymore.
2. Green Mountain. They made good coffee until they got all corporate. Now they're just the official coffee for Keurig machines and use "inferior blends."
3. Maxwell House. They basically survive on name recognition now. They use cheap beans that tend to be more bitter.
4. Nescafé. Never good, but a tweak to the ingredients a few years ago made it worse.
5. Folgers. They say "not great, but decent." The claim that it's "mountain grown" is misleading though. Coffee grown at high altitudes tends to be better. But "mountain grown" can also include the base of a mountain, near sea level.
6. Dunkin' Keurig-Cups. It's not what's served at Dunkin' Donuts, which they say is actually decent. Same brand name, different beans.
7. McCafé at Home. Same as Dunkin'. It's not what they serve at McDonald's.
8. Seattle's Best. Starbucks bought it in 2003. Now it's their "value" brand.
If you're out and about, everyone knows if you keep your phone on loud rather than vibrate or silent. Everyone. And yes, it can be a Boomer thing.
A new poll asked people if they typically keep their phone on loud . . . vibrate . . . or silent. 43% said they keep the sound ON . . . 27% said it's usually on vibrate . . . and 25% said they keep it on silent. 3% said they "don't know," which is odd.
When you break that down by age, older people are FAR more likely to keep the sound on. 65% of those 65 and older keep the sound on . . . and that percentage goes down by age. Only 20% of 18- to 24-year-olds keep the sound on.
A new study at the University of Arizona found adults tend to sleep better together than they do apart. Benefits include less insomnia, more minutes spent sleeping, and we also fall asleep faster.
People who sleep in the same bed with a significant other also have less stress, anxiety, and depression. But that doesn't hold true for letting your KIDS sleep with you. People who let their kids in their bed sleep worse, and have more stress overall.
No matter what you think of the "Let's Go Brandon" thing, this was a cool accident. There's a nine-year-old from Minnesota named Brandon Brundidge who's autistic, so he has a hard time being in public. But when he saw "Let's Go Brandon" signs everywhere during a trip to Texas, he thought they were all about encouraging HIM to be brave.
His mom says he loosened up on the trip and even jumped in a pool, which he wouldn't normally do. She wrote a children's book about it called "Brandon Spots His Sign" and sent a copy to President Biden. He recently sent Brandon a signed letter that said he loved the book, and he's proud of him for being so brave.
Today's Useless Fact of the Day - Michigan touches four of the five Great Lakes, and there's no spot in the state more than 78 miles from one of 'em. That spot is a corner in downtown Eaton Rapids, Michigan, which is in the center of the state and 78 miles from Lake Erie.