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7/17/21 Yellow Pig Day (only 12 letters...that doesn't work)

Saturday 7/17/21

Celebrate National Lottery, Peach Ice Cream, Tattoo, Yellow Pig, and Strawberry Rhubarb Wine Day. Also World Emoji Day (what's your favorite emoji?)


National Yellow Pig Day on July 17th honors the unique attributes of the number 17 and its significance to mathematics.

If you don’t think the number 17 plays any role in our lives, consider these facts:

-The number 17 is a premium number in the arena of prime numbers. Add the first four prime numbers together, and 17 is their sum.

-The average school bus weighs 17 tons with passengers inside.

-Each of the following words has 17 letters:






-The atomic number of chlorine is 17.

-Pebble Beach has a specific road known as the 17 Mile Drive along the Monterey Peninsula in California. However, the exact length of the road is 16.78 miles.

-The 17th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gave the citizens of the United States the right to elect their senators by popular vote. Before the states ratified the amendment on April 8, 1913, each states’ legislature would elect the senators to Congress.


One in four people say they'd exercise more if the days were longer.

Here are the top ten excuses we use for not working out

1. "I'm too tired."

2. "It's raining."

3. "It's too cold." But somehow "It's too hot" didn't make the list.

4. "I'm feeling sick."

5. "I just ate."

6. "It's too late in the day." The poll found we tend to skip evening workouts the most.

7. "I don't have time."

8. "I'm sore."

9. "Exercise is boring."

10. "I left work too late."

A few more that made the top 25 include: "I'm too hungry", "I'm hungover", "I'm too stressed", "I'll work out tomorrow ", and "I exercised yesterday."


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