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6/29/22 - Let me sniff your butt.

Wednesday 6/29/22


Hug Holiday Day

National Almond Buttercrunch Day

National Camera Day

National Parchment Day

National Waffle Iron Day


This isn't just about work, but it's one of the top things it applies to: In general, would you say you're more likely to arrive early to stuff, or show up a little late?

Over 2,000 people were polled, and very few said they're someone who shows up late a lot. Only one in eight people said they often don't show up on time. 12% said they're usually late . . . 64% said early . . . 20% said right on time . . . and 4% weren't sure.

Young people were twice as likely to admit they can't get to things on time . . . 24% admitted they're late a lot. And in general, the older you get, the less likely you are to be late for stuff. Only 5% of seniors said they generally show up a little late.


It's often said that people who click right away share "chemistry."

This expression could be true in the literal sense, according to a new study published in the journal Science Advances on Friday, which finds people with similar body odors are more

likely to hit it off as friends.

"Nonhuman terrestrial mammals constantly sniff themselves and each other and, based on this, decide who is friend or foe," wrote a group of researchers led by Inbal Ravreby at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.

Since people seek friends who are similar to themselves, the team hypothesized that humans may smell themselves and others to subconsciously estimate body odor similarity and judge their compatibility.


The ice cream brand Van Leeuwen just released five new flavors for summer . . . including one that tastes like Grey Poupon

.It's got crushed-up pretzels in it, along with a Grey Poupon honey-dijon mustard swirl. You can buy pints of it at Walmart stores nationwide for a limited time.

The other four flavors are a little less risky. They include Espresso . . . Peach . . . Honey Cornbread with Strawberry Jam . . . and one called Campfire S'Mores.


The Moving Wall, a half-size traveling replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC is coming to Elmira at the end of June at Eldridge Park.


Today's Useless Fact of the Day - Need a quick way to get a rough measurement of something? Use a dollar bill. Each one is 6.14 inches long and 2.61 inches wide.


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