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6/23/22 Boob Sweat, Workouts, and Happy Hour

Thursday 6/23/22


International Widows Day

Let It Go Day

National Detroit Style Pizza Day - a thick, square-cut pizza with a crunchy, fried bottom layer of crust overflowing with delicious melted cheese.

National Hydration Day

National Pecan Sandies Day

National Pink Day

Pink Flamingo Day

Runner's Selfie Day

SAT Math Day

Typewriting Day

United Nations Public Service Day


Do you remember us talking about Stephanie Matto? She's the "90 Day Fiancé" star who was selling her farts in a jar until the diet she needed to keep up with the demand landed her in the hospital with intense gas pains.

Well, Stephanie's got a new hustle: She's now selling jars of her boob sweat, and once again, she's making thousands of dollars.

She's selling the bottles for $300 or $500, depending on how much sweat is in them.

Stephanie was averaging $5,000 a day just for laying by her pool and sweating . . . until a BEAR started hanging around her yard. Now she's behind on production and thinking about investing in an indoor sauna.


First it have to work it's you have to do it at a specific time. A new study has found that the best time to work out can depend on what kind of health benefits you're looking to achieve.

For example, let's say you're looking to lose fat. Women who work out in the morning are more likely to lose excess belly fat, while men who work out in the evening burn more fat.

The study found that evening exercise in women "increases upper body muscular strength, power, and endurance, and improves overall mood and nutritional satiety."

The study does point out that exercise at any time of day improves your health . . . so don't use this time-of-day thing as an excuse NOT to do anything.


Kids spend way too much time online these days. So should you just BAN all devices if they're not doing schoolwork? A new study says no . . . some screen time is actually GOOD for them.

Researchers tracked the online habits of over 8,000 kids for almost a decade. And they found that limiting internet time too much can backfire.

Kids who didn't spend at least some of their free time online had fewer friends and didn't socialize as much. So spending some time on social media actually has benefits.

If that's true, then what's the perfect amount of screen time? The study found the most well-adjusted kids spent one to two hours online on weekdays, and two to three hours on Saturdays and Sundays.


Let's do Happy Hour! Friday?? No Tuesday! In a new poll, people were asked the best day to hit up a Happy Hour, and Tuesday was the #1 answer, with 18% of the vote.

Friday was a close second at 17%. They didn't provide a full breakdown, but if people are doing Tuesday . . . no one can shame me for hitting up a Happy Hour on Monday to celebrate getting through day one.


A new study in Germany found that people who drink "medium to potentially hazardous" amounts of alcohol tend to do better before and after major surgery.

All the people in the study were over 60. The ones who drank a lot had a better quality of life leading up to, and immediately after their surgeries. They were more comfortable, had less pain, got back to their normal activities faster, and reported better overall health in general.

The researchers aren't sure why, but they do have a theory. Even though the long-term effects of drinking are bad, it can have some good short-term effects. They include reduced stress, elevated mood, and a tendency to be more social.


Today's Useless Fact of the Day - A cup of maple syrup has more calcium than a cup of milk . . . although it would be awfully hard to drink a cup of syrup.


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