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6/14/24 - That's Great, Brats, and Vacations

Friday 6/14/24


Army's Birthday

Family History Day

Flag Day

International Bath Day

International Feta Day

National Bourbon Day

National Cucumber Day

National Marriage Day

National Strawberry Shortcake Day

Own Your Share of America Day

Pause for the Pledge Day

Pop Goes the Weasel Day

Work at Home Father's Day

World Blood Donor Day


Weekend at the Movies

Inside Out 2 - from Disney/Pixar. It's newly minted teenager Riley this time, and we head back to the mind with new emotion Anxiety.

Do we really learn from our mistakes? 

Recent research published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology suggests otherwise, revealing that our society’s optimistic view of failure may not only be overestimated but could also be misleading.

People significantly overestimate the likelihood of success following failures, such as passing a test after initially failing or improving their health after a medical crisis. The findings challenge the common narrative that failures are simply stepping stones to success, highlighting the need for more realistic expectations and support systems.

Read more about it here.

Basketball Hall of Famer Jerry West died yesterday.  He was 86 years old.

West played 14 seasons in the NBA, and was an All-Star in all of them. He also won a championship with the 1972 Lakers. He retired in 1974, and was the general manager of EIGHT Lakers championship teams.

In addition to his legendary career, he's also the guy in the NBA LOGO. At least that's the legend.

In 2021, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said, quote, "While it's never been officially declared that the logo is Jerry West, it sure looks a lot like him."


Cruising Reddit - Someone asked, "What are you sick of people trying to convince you is great?"  Here are the best responses:

Starting a business. Some people are not meant to be business owners . . . and they don't mind a boring, stable gig working for The Man.

Trying to turn my hobby into a business. Another said - Turning a hobby into a business is a great way to turn something you love to do into something you hate.

Running.  Joan Rivers once joked, "The first time I see a jogger smiling, I'll consider it."

Stanley mugs.

The TV shows they watch . . . or the music they're into.

Hot weather.


Kombucha.  Someone said, "I'm sure it's great for me but it tastes like carbonated sock tea."

Ice baths.

Hot yoga.

Marijuana.  It affects some people negatively, with anxiety and paranoia . . . and they're tired of hearing about how THIS strain "will totally not do that."

Dancing.  Someone said it isn't about "letting loose" or "getting out of your shell" . . . some people just don't FEEL music that way.

See the thread here


Joey Chestnut has been banned from the annual Nathan's Hot Dog Eating contest this year.  But there's a silver lining to that.  He's now free to face off against his longtime rival Takeru Kobayashi again.

It's happening on Labor Day, and it'll air live on Netflix.  They're calling it "Chestnut vs. Kobayashi: Unfinished Beef".

The last time they competed against each other was in 2009, and Chestnut won.  He ate 68 hot dogs in 10 minutes, and Kobayashi ate 64 and a half.

But Kobayashi cut ties with Nathan's in 2010 because he refused to sign an exclusive contract.

Chestnut says, quote, "Through all of my years in competitive eating, Kobayashi stands out as my fiercest rival.  Competing against him pushed me to be so much better . . . It's time to give the people what they want!"


Andrew McCarthy's documentary about the Brat Pack in the '80s hit Hulu today.  It's called "Brats". 

Some trivia

Andrew wore a WIG in the final scene of "Pretty in Pink".  The ending had to be reshot to show him getting with Molly Ringwald, but he already cut his hair for his next role.

Molly didn't participate in the documentary because she'd rather keep looking forward.

Emilio Estevez refused to do more movies with anyone from the Brat Pack after "The Breakfast Club", because he didn't want to be typecast.

The instrumental love song in "St. Elmo's Fire" hit #15 on the Billboard Hot 100.


Forbes set out to find the WORST places to spend a summer vacation . . . considering a bunch of different factors including crime, prices, ease of travel, extreme weather, and "experiences."

They looked at 43 bigger cities . . . and the one that scored the worst was Jacksonville, Florida.  The negatives include:  Poor walkability . . . a lack of public transportation . . . a high crime rate . . . and a high summer heat index.

Colorado Springs was the second-worst destination, followed by Fresno, California . . . Memphis . . . Albuquerque, New Mexico . . . Indianapolis . . . Louisville, Kentucky . . . Tampa . . . Tucson, Arizona . . . and Miami.

The best summer vacation city in America was Minneapolis, followed by Long Beach, California . . . Washington, D.C. . . . Seattle . . . and Omaha, Nebraska.


This isn't really new, but the word is:  Have you heard the relationship term "pebbling" yet?  It's hot on TikTok, and it's based on something PENGUINS do.

Male penguins let females know they're interested by bringing them a rock.  It's a gift, but also something penguins use to build their nest.

Pebbling for people is similar.  But instead of rocks, it's other small gestures to let them know you care.  It could be a cup of coffee, or anything else to brighten their day.  But for young people, it's often texting them a funny MEME.

A relationship expert talked about how "memes are a love language" now.  Quote, "It can definitely strengthen a relationship, because it's similar to sending a message saying, 'I saw this and thought of you.'" 


Today's Useless Fact of the Day - The term "dog days of summer" didn't start because dogs were lying around in the heat.  It's a reference to the star Sirius, which is called the Dog Star, and its position in the sky.


Check out the web version of this briefing, along with The Anniversary Song of the Day and more content, on the web at

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