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6-13-21 Stop being triggered!

Sunday 6/13/21

Celebrate National Kitchen Klutzes of America, Acts of Light, Weed Your Garden, Sewing Machine, and Children's Day.


Life's pretty stressful, and it's hard to not feel nostalgic for your childhood. Here are the top ten things people miss about being a kid.

1. School holidays.

2. Not having any worries about life.

3. Not having to pay bills.

4. Spending all day playing.

5. Not having to work.

6. No responsibilities.

7. Being excited to wake up on your birthday.

8. Playing in the park on swings and slides.

9. Having someone cook all your meals.

10. Seeing friends every day at school.

61% of people said they've lost their sense of fun as they've gotten older. And 22% would like to share favorite parts of their childhood with their own kids, so they can re-live those fun memories.


I really think we are so easily triggered anymore. It's become tiresome. People read way too much into things anymore. Get a sense of humor, and just move on from it. I don't need to know that your itchy trigger feelings are wounded...or are they..are you just trying to push cancel culture? STOP!!!!! Thanks social media for making EVERYTHING an issue! For instance in books.


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