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5/5/22 Hot Dogs, Beer, Hamburgers, Chips and A State Meal. (I'm Full)

Thursday 5/5/22


Cinco de Mayo

Hug a Shed and Take a Selfie Day

International Midwives Day

Make-A-Book Day

Museum Lover's Day

Nail Day

National Cartoonists Day

National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day

National Day of Prayer

National Day of Reason

National Hoagie Day

National Silence the Shame Day

Oyster Day

Revenge of the Fifth (Star Wars again)

Totally Chipotle Day

World Password Day


Hot dogs and beer are sometimes the best part of going to a baseball game. But how about dipping hot dogs into beer? One Yankees fan was caught enjoying this concoction in a now viral video on Twitter.

But before you diss the idea, think about it this way: If you're enjoying a hot dog and a beer together, chances are there's some cross-pollination going on in your mouth. So why not combine them before shoving them in your face?

Is there really a huge difference?

A sports columnist on Twitter tried it with his friends and said, quote, "Don't knock it until you try it. It's the new stadium tradition."

So, there you have it. But oh, if you do try it, it's probably best to have your hot dog plain. Unless you want toppings in your beer.

You might want to try it at opening night of The Elmira Pioneers Friday June 3rd.

I'm not really sure what to think of this..but Lil Nas X tweeted “Trying really hard to get the wiggles to co-headline the tour with me. i will keep you guys updated."

Roughly three hours later, the Wiggles responded, “The Big Red Car is packed and ready mate! Let’s Wiggle!”


Was anyone out there already doing this? Because it's a weird idea, but maybe genius. Heinz has a new product called Dip & Crunch that lets you dip your burger in crushed-up potato chips.

They say it was inspired by a TikTok trend. So apparently some people ARE already doing it. They also recently tested it at a few Jack in the Box locations on the West Coast.

Obviously, the chips wouldn't stick on their own. So it comes with crushed-up chips, plus a sauce to dip your burger in first. There are two varieties: A "Secret Sauce," and a spicy version. But the chips in both look to be regular old potato chips.

It could work with sandwiches too, and putting chips in a sandwich is already somewhat common. But they're specifically selling it as a burger thing. You can find it at Walmart, Target, and some grocery stores.


Here's a question for parents: At what age are kids the biggest JERKS? 1,000 parents were polled, and 75% chose an age between 13 and 19 . . . so, teenagers. And the #1 answer overall was 15-year-olds.

According to the survey, here are the ten most stressful things about parenting a teenager . . .

1. Dealing with their mood swings.

2. Helping them make important life choices, like college.

3. Allowing them to make their own mistakes.

4. The fact that they spend so much time on technology.

5. Helping them manage their emotions.

6. Dealing with hormones.

7. Helping them with homework.

8. Trusting them to make good decisions.

9. Helping them plan for their future.

10. Worrying about their grades.

Body image, bullies, dating, and social media also made the top 20.


Today's Useless Fact of the Day - Oklahoma is the only state to have an official state meal, and it's . . . something. It's fried okra, cornbread, barbecue pork, squash, biscuits, sausage and gravy, grits, corn, strawberries, chicken fried steak, pecan pie, and black-eyed peas.

(So this is really like three meals, why don't you just call it the state foods and be done with it?)


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