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5/26/22 Old/New Baby Names & Man Rules

Thursday 5/26/22


National Blueberry Cheesecake Day

National Cherry Dessert Day

National Paper Airplane Day

Sally Ride Day - The first American woman in space 1983

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Here's a fun scenario for parents: Your 10-year-old just knocked their front tooth out. What do you do with it? According to this, you should shove that sucker back in.

A pediatric dentist just did a video about what to do in that situation. You've probably heard that putting a tooth in MILK can help save it, which is true. But she says putting it back in the socket is better . . . "even if it's the wrong way."

This is only for adult teeth. Baby teeth don't matter. And it's also not possible if the tooth broke off. But assuming it's still in one piece, here are the four steps . . .

1. Don't pick it up by the root. Don't touch the root at all, just the crown.

2. Rinse it with water. No soap or chemicals, and don't dry it. You need to keep it wet.

3. Gently try to slide it back into your screaming child's mouth. It should slip right in there, but if it's not happening, don't force it. You've still got the milk option.

If you don't have milk, you could also put the tooth in YOUR mouth for safe keeping. Just tuck it right in your cheek. (What a fun family bonding moment!) Don't put it in a young child's cheek though, or they might swallow it. And don't put it in tap water.

4. Go straight to a dentist. If it's not back in the socket within an hour, there's less of a chance they can save it.


Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake will celebrate their 10-year anniversary in October, and one of the reasons they're still together is a certain philosophy of Justin's.

Jessica told "Entertainment Tonight", quote, "This one thing that [Justin] always says to me: 'We might be married, but we have to keep dating' . . .

"You just have to keep making time for each other and you have to keep making each other a priority . . .

"And do the things that you love together . . . It's not always easy, as we all know, but those touch point moments make all the hard times palatable."

In related while we await new music from Justin, Jessica has a new series on Hulu called "Candy."


There's a new thread online, where men are talking about the "unwritten rules" that they have. So if you've ever wanted to crack the secret code of manhood, this is an exciting opportunity. Here are some highlights:

1. "Nod down when you greet someone. Nod up when it's someone you know."

2. "If a friend buys you a drink, you don't pay it back. You buy the next round."

3. "Beer, pizza, and BBQ is acceptable payment for helping another man."

4. "Don't use the urinal next to an occupied one."

5. "Don't roast a man in front of their kid."

6. "Don't start drama. If drama begins, take steps to de-escalate."

7. "If he's flirting with her, him, or they . . . don't interrupt."

8. "When your friend's crush is around, he is the funniest in the group."

If you recently had a baby and chose one of these names, you probably got some weird looks from your friends. But in a year or two, they'll realize how cool you are .

A genealogy website called FindMyPast says that according to their research, old names that might seem outdated tend to get trendy again after about 100 years. So names that were cool in the 1920s are about to be cool again.

They posted two lists of boys' and girls' names that are poised for a comeback.

Some aren't that weird. But most sound like they belong to someone who's closer to 100 years old than one year old.

The Top 10 old-school girls' names that could be trendy again soon are: Joan . . . Mary . . . Margaret . . . Dorothy . . . Gladys . . . Irene . . . Iris . . . Elsie . . . Ada . . . and Mabel.

The Top 10 for boys are: Ronald . . . Arthur . . . Robert . . . Albert . . . Freddie . . . Edward . . . Archie . . . Ernest . . . Isaac . . . and Harris.

Today's Useless Fact of the Day - Wanna be a little bit taller? Become an Astronaut! They can grow 3% taller in space . . . which is about two inches if you're six feet tall. It takes a few months on Earth for gravity to pull them back down to their normal height.


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