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5/22/23 - Night Time News and Robots

Monday 5/22/23


Bitcoin Pizza Day

Harvey Milk Day

International Being You Day

International Day for Biological Diversity

National Buy a Musical Instrument Day

National Maritime Day

National Solitaire Day

National Vanilla Pudding Day

Sherlock Holmes Day

World Goth Day

Somehow I missed the fact that Fast X came out this weekend. It pulled in $67.5million for first place.

2. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 $32million

3. The Super Mario Bros. Movie $9.8million

4. Book Club: The Next Chapter $3million

5. Evil Dead Rise $2.4million


Researchers in Canada are working on a robot called "Fetch" that helps find misplaced items. It scans the room and keeps track of specific things, like keys. They're hoping it could be a "companion robot" for people with dementia. But eventually, they think it's something everyone might want.


Have trouble sleeping? A study at Indiana University found it can snowball. We'll lie in bed stressing about how we can't sleep, and it makes it even HARDER to fall asleep. They say the easiest fix is to not have your phone within reach. And if you have a clock next to your bed, turn it away so you can't see it.


Buzzfeed asked thousands of people about their nighttime routines . . . and here are a few of the results they got:

1. 49% of people always take showers or a bath at night. 15% never do.

2. 77% always brush their teeth at night. 6% never do.

3. 40% always do a skincare routine at night. 12% never do.

4. 4% always write in a journal at night. 80% never do.

5. 20% always read a book at night. 42% never do.

6. 78% always scroll on their phone at night. 9% never do.

7. 26% always listen to music at night. 48% never do.

8. 3% always meditate at night. 81% never do.

9. 64% always sleep with the door closed. 26% leave it open.

10. And 72% always want to fall asleep BEFORE midnight. 28% prefer to hit the hay at 12:00 A.M. or later.

Read more here.


A study found New York City is sinking under the weight of its own skyscrapers. They weigh a combined 1.7 TRILLION pounds. At this rate, they say it'll sink about an inch every 15 to 20 years.


Today's Useless Fact of the Day - In the 19th century, critics of bicycles labeled them tools of the devil.


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