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5/20/22 Test your baby name, and mow my lawn..but don't steal my mower!

Friday 5/20/22


Be a Millionaire Day

Eliza Doolittle Day

Endangered Species Day

Flower Day

International Clinical Trials Day

International Red Sneakers Day

International Virtual Assistants Day


National Bike to Work Day

National Defense Transportation Day

National Pizza Party Day

National Quiche Lorraine Day

National Rescue Dog Day

O. Henry Pun-off Day

Pick Strawberries Day

Weights and Measures Day

World Autoimmune Arthritis Day

World Bee Day


A new study has found that you might be able to "add years to your life" by only eating during daylight hours. The researchers say that the longevity of mice increased by up to 35% when they ate within "the body clock's daily rhythms."

There's nothing magical about sunlight . . . in fact, mice are nocturnal, so their benefit was eating only at night.

The idea is that humans should restrict their eating to their "most active" hours, which is usually mid-day..

There are two other benefits: You're probably eating smaller meals if you're moving them closer together . . . and there's also an "intermittent fasting" angle, if you're not eating for a longer period overnight.

Someone posted an idea on a mommy blog for testing out baby names to see how people react. And it might be brilliant.

If you're worried that a name you like is too weird, use it the next time you order at Starbucks.

When they ask for a name, give them the baby name you want to use, and you'll learn three things . . .

1. Can the barista easily SPELL it correctly on your cup?

2. Can they PRONOUNCE it when your order is ready?

3. How will other people REACT when they hear the name?

The idea is it's better than relying on friends and family, who might just be nice. But if strangers think it's weird or dumb, it'll show. The test name was Xanthe (zanthee)

A man in Port Arthur, Texas . . . east of Houston . . . snuck onto a property last month, and stole their push mower. But he took it for a spin first.

In security footage, you can see the thief fill the mower with gas . . . then start mowing the backyard. Then, he moved to the front yard. He left, WITH the mower. But the police caught up with him. He abandoned the mower in an alley . . . but he got away. The cops are still looking for him.

It's unclear WHY he mowed the lawn. Maybe he had OCD and couldn't leave without tidying up the yard. It IS worth pointing out that it was April 1st, although there's no indication that this was some kind of prank.

To be clear, he was NOT hired by the homeowner, and it was dark out when he stole the mower.

There's a trend of people making cruise ships their retirement home . . . by stringing together back-to-back voyages. And LONG ones, like the elaborate "world cruises" or "grand cruises," which can last well over 100 days.

It makes sense: Cruises can offer older Americans an easy, all-inclusive living environment, with organized events, a community of like-minded travelers, and a decent level of medical care.

If you hop from cruise to cruise, you can rack up discounts that can get the prices below $100 a day. And most cruises have reliable internet these days too, so you could even pull this off in "semi-retirement."

That said, there's another trend: Some of those early retirees are now UNRETIRING.

There are several factors, including rising inflation . . . decreasing COVID-19 concerns . . . and a thriving job market that offers them their pick of jobs, not to mention better pay and other perks.

Today’s Useless Fact of the Day - The word "falcon" technically only refers to females. Males are called tiercels.

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