Tuesday 4/5/22
Bell Bottoms Day
First Contact Day
Go For Broke Day
National Caramel Day
National Dandelion Day
National Deep Dish Pizza Day
National Flash Drive Day
National Raisin and Spice Bar Day
Read a Road Map Day
Here's a weird stat that unites us One in five people admit they've eaten food out of the trash before. That's 20%
That doesn't mean you went dumpster diving, necessarily. Maybe you just threw half-a-donut away, then reconsidered. The most common reason people gave for eating trash was it looked "perfectly fine" in their opinion.
OH, and one more disturbing stat: The poll also found one in six people have eaten food while sitting on the toilet before.
This has to be the most Canadian crime of all time!
Police in Canada arrested a man who was "wreaking havoc" in Victoria on Monday afternoon. He was roller blading through downtown carrying a hockey stick which he was using to bang garbage cans and hit the windows of businesses.
Things really crossed a line when the roller blading man chased a woman and stole her "toque." That's Canadian for "stocking cap." It's a beanie with a pom-pom on the top. The woman was not injured. Just sad about her stolen toque.
When the police arrived, the thief roller-bladed around the police car before being taken into custody. He's looking at a robbery charge.
Too bad he wasn't arrested by a Mountie!
Do you always use GPS when you're driving? Like on your drive to work, even though you take the same route every day? A new poll looked into how much we rely on it in 2022.
People were asked how well they could navigate their local area without GPS and most people are confident they could do it. 42% said no problem, another 35% said they'd do okay, 17% said it would be a challenge, and 6% aren't sure.
If you break it down by demographics, it's what you'd expect. Young people rely on GPS more than older folks only 28% of people under 30 are very confident they could find their way around, compared to 54% of seniors.
And men are more likely to be very confident in their navigation skills. 82% said they could find their way around town without GPS, compared to 73% of women.
Imagine the look on your boss's face if you tried this: A 28-year-old guy in Seattle named Simon Jackson was working at a design and engineering firm, and wasn't making enough to cover rent.
So he protested his low pay by moving into his cubicle.
His lease was ending, so his rent was going up, and he hadn't found a new apartment yet. Plus, he hated his job. So he figured he'd just go for it and see what happened.
He posted a TikTok video called "Check out my new apartment" that shows him moving all his clothes and belongings into the cubicle while no one's there. He ended up putting a sleeping bag under his desk.
He says there was plenty of space in the office, because so many people are still working from home, and he planned to stay there for as long as he could get away with it which turned out to be four days.
Someone from H.R. eventually caught wind. They told him to clear everything out and delete the videos he posted online, or they'd fire him. So he quit instead.
It might work out though, because his side-hustle is designing and selling rompers for adults. And he got a lot of potential customers out of this. His first video has over 1.4 million views. Last we checked, he was up to 135,000 TikTok followers.
A mom with four kids says she does NOT like screaming for them to come out of their rooms, so she bought four doorbells, and installed them inside her house with four buttons in the kitchen, and a "bell" in each child's room.
You might have seen these they aren't the classic, obnoxious doorbells, they're wireless, with a modern look. There's a battery-operated transmitter, which you can stick to the inside of a cupboard, and a receiver that you plug into an outlet.
She did a TikTok video where she demonstrated how it works the kids to come down whenever they hear their chime, whether it be for dinner or for school in the morning.
She said she bought them for $15 each on Amazon, but there are actually a lot of options ranging from $10 apiece up to more than $50.
Today's Useless Fact of the Day - Penguins can't taste fish . . . their taste buds only taste sour and salt, and the taste of fish comes from the umami taste bud. A genetic study suggests they lost three of the five basic tastes long ago in evolution. But it doesn't matter, since penguins just swallow the fish whole without bothering to taste them.