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4/28/22 What's the Time and Temperature...make a call (What??)

Thursday 4/28/22


Biological Clock Day

Clean Comedy Day

Great Poetry Reading Day

International Pay It Forward Day

Love Your Thighs Day

National Blueberry Pie Day

National Cubicle Day

National Kiss Your Mate Day

National Superhero Day

National Teach Children to Save Day

Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day

Thank You Thursday

World Day for Safety and Health at Work

Holocaust Remembrance Day


Rich people will spend money on anything -

There's a 33-year-old woman in New York named Taylor Humphrey who calls herself a "professional baby namer" . . . and she charges up to $10,000 just to name your baby.

Taylor doesn't have any kids herself . . . she describes herself as a "passionate writer and storyteller," who is "adept at branding, marketing, and social media." She has also worked as a matchmaker in the past . . . but she's been working in the baby-naming business since 2015.

She has a range of fees. If you just want to call her and ask for a name . . . that may "only" cost around $1,500. But if you want her to get to know your family and look through genealogies . . . that's closer to her $10K premium price.


Two studies just backed up the idea that speaking more than one language can keep your brain young.

There was already evidence it was true. But two recent studies in the journal "Frontiers of Psychology" back that up . . . and say it can even help you avoid things like dementia.

Researchers worked with 63 people over the age of 60. Not all of them were fluent in a second language, but they could at least understand a little bit.

Each of them had to do a series of cognitive tests. And researchers found that the ones who were fluent tended to do a lot better.

They think it's because people who regularly speak two different languages basically train their brains to be able to shift back and forth and focus on different stuff quickly.

The same researchers also did a second study that came up with this stat that's pretty incredible if it's true . . .

They found people who speak more than one language can delay things like dementia and Alzheimer's by an extra five to seven years compared to people who only speak one language.


Calling a hotline to find out the time and temperature used to be a thing people did. But this part was news to me: It's actually STILL something a lot of people do. Various hotlines around the U.S. continue to get over a million calls a month combined.

A writer for the "Tampa Bay Times" just did a big article on it after three hotlines relaunched in the Tampa Bay area.

Most of us check the time and temp by just looking at our phone now, so it's more of a novelty thing. It used to be info we actually needed and couldn't easily get.

Hotlines have been popping back up in lots of cities, because die-hard fans are relaunching them and paying to keep them active.

One guy named John Lochridge brought a hotline in Dallas after it shut down in 2011. Now he owns hundreds of time-and-temp lines in other cities too, including New York, Chicago . . . and Deadhorse, Alaska, which has a population of about 50 people.

If you just google "time-and-temp hotline" in your area, there's a decent chance you'll find one. They usually say something like, "Today is Friday, April 15th. The current time is 11:04 A.M. And the temperature is 63 degrees." Then it hangs up on you.

You might have to listen to an AD first, so that's how they're making money off it.

Anyone know of any?? I couldn't find any on a quick internet search.


A guy in Iowa retired last fall after 38 years as a firefighter. Now his 23-year-old daughter is in the news, because she got fire departments in all 50 states to send her their t-shirts, and she's making a quilt for him. She's already received over 100 shirts, including a few from overseas.


With Will Smith's slap at the Oscars...will you still listen to his music and watch his movies? The latest celebrity to have something negative against him...Can the "art" be separated from the "artist"? According to a recent survey of 2,000 people, 68% of them said yes, the two can be separated.

Bill Cosby is a big example.

On that same note, 58% said it's never okay to cancel an artist's work because of their personal opinions. You know, like don't cancel "Harry Potter" just because you might disagree with J.K. Rowling.

As far as fandoms go, the top three most popular are: Marvel (26.5%), Disney (26.3%), and "Harry Potter" (26.3%).

A new species of millipede was recently discovered in the Appalachian Mountains, and Virginia Tech scientists have named it Nannaria swiftae . . . after Taylor Swift.

No, not because this particular millipede has an inability to move on from its former mates. One of those scientists, Derek Hennen, says, quote, "Her music helped me get through the highs and lows of graduate school, so naming a new millipede species after her is my way of saying thanks."

And he Tweeted, quote, "I'm a big fan of her music, so I wanted to show my appreciation by naming this new species from Tennessee after her. A high honor!"


Today's Useless Fact of the Day - The highest point in Florida is Britton Hill, which is just 345 feet above sea level. No other state has such a low "highest point."


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