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4/17/23 - Sneakers, Smells, and Being a Kid is Hard

Monday 4/17/23


Bat Appreciation Day

Blah, Blah, Blah Day

Boston Marathon Day

Ellis Island Family History Day

International Ford Mustang Day

International Haiku Poetry Day - three lines, with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third.

Malbec World Day

National Cheeseball Day

National Crawfish Day

National Kickball Day

National Like a Dame Day

Patriot's Day

World Hemophilia Day


Super Mario reigns supreme for another weekend with $87 Million.

2. The Pope's Exorcist $9.2

3. John Wick: Chapter 4 $7.9

4. Renfield $7.8

5. Air $7.7


A fashion brand in New York invented a new shoe you can wear backwards. No matter which end you put your foot in, it's still functional footwear.

If you wear them like normal, they're an open-toed sneaker. That alone is pretty weird. If you wear them the other way, they're sandals. But it looks like you've got your shoes on backwards.

They're called the "BWD" shoe . . . short for "backward," we assume. It's from the brand MSCHF. (pronounced "mischief") They're the same company selling those big red boots that make you look like a cartoon character. So they specialize in weird stuff.

Their new backward shoes will cost $135. Look for them now.


There are so many things that smell terrible in this world. "Popular Science" looked at Google Trends to figure out the five smells around that house that Americans hate the most.

1. When a skunk sprays outside and you can smell it in your house.

2. Mildew on your clothes.

3. Cigarette smoke on your clothes.

4. Gasoline on your shoes.

5. Dog pee on the carpet.


A parenting expert who's big on social media says there's one phrase every parent should say to their kid, especially when they're young. It can make them trust you more, and even help with bad behavior.

She says to look at them and say this: "It can be really hard to be a kid, right?"

You don't need to memorize it word-for-word. Anything close to that is fine. The point is to show them you understand their point of view, and you're on their side.

It also tells them life's complicated . . . even for kids . . . and that's normal. Quote, "You are connecting to a reality that very few adults actively name for [their kids]."

She says it helps them feel "seen." And when that happens, behavioral problems tend to improve.


If you're a short guy who's losing his hair, congratulations . . . you've got the total package. A new poll from found it's a great time to be short, bald, and single.

A third of people currently looking for a man said that being bald and under 5-foot-7 would have no impact on their decision to date them.

36% also said they'd feel more comfortable making the first move on a guy who's short, or missing some hair up top. So you might not even have to do anything . . . just stand by the bar and put out the vibe.

This last stat seems a little backhanded though: According to the poll, one benefit of dating a guy who's short and bald is he probably won't CHEAT on you.

72% said they'd be less worried their man would cheat if he was short, bald, or seen as the less-attractive one in the relationship.

Overall though, 63% of singles said personality is more important to them than looks.

Today’s Useless Fact of the Day - Spaghetti is plural . . . each individual piece is called a spaghetto.

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