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Friday 2/4/22

Celebrate National Bubble Gum, Give Kids a Smile, Hemp, Homemade Soup, Liberace, Create a Vacuum, Quacker, Stuffed Mushroom, Rosa Parks, Torture Abolition, Wear Red, Thank a Mailman, USO, and World Cancer Day.

Staying in for movies or for the big game, popcorn is king.

1. Only 8% of us hate popcorn. 92% love it, or at least like it.

2. Even with the variety we have now, butter and salt are still our favorite flavors. Two recent polls put butter at number one, with about 30% of the vote in both. After butter and salt, white cheddar is next.

Caramel corn and kettle corn also ranked high. Only 2% of us prefer it plain with no flavoring.

3. Women like kettle corn more than men. 17% said yes, compared to 13% of guys.

4. Movie theater popcorn is our favorite type. But if we're making it at home, our favorite brands are Orville Redenbacher and Pop Secret. The brand Act 2 placed third.

5. Not all types of corn are poppable. The "hull" or skin on the kernel has to be thick enough to let pressure build up. So they use a specific type of corn for popping.

6. Popcorn can shoot three feet in the air when it pops. And it pops into two basic shapes butterfly or mushroom. Butterfly is more common. Mushroom is when the whole thing looks like one round, fluffy cloud.


A new survey says that the average person needs at least one change in their life every seven months, and 30% of people say they need some sort of reset every one to six months.

Some resets are small like changing a workout routine, but others are significant, and they happen less frequently. Some examples of those include:

1. People want to refresh their diet every 12 months.

2. People want to change their hairstyle every 14 months.

3. People want to get a new car every seven years.

4. People are looking for something new in their relationships every eight years.

5. And the average person is looking for a change at work every eight years which, if you look at job reports, apparently synched to 2021 for all Americans.

If you've struggled to get good sleep, you might be looking for a solution. Maybe some fresh sheets, a new mattress, or some white noise.

But a new study has the answer: Just re-paint your bedroom. Purple.

According to a survey by SleepJunkie, 84% of people with a purple bedroom reported that they typically slept well. If you can't handle purple, try blue it was second with 76% getting good sleep in blue rooms.

On the flipside, don't paint your bedroom green. Only 58% of people with green bedrooms sleep well, while 27% say they sleep poorly in green rooms. You might also want to avoid painting your bedroom yellow, brown, and beige.

Now, before you run to the hardware store, you should note that even though the survey involved more than 1,000 people, only 25 actually had purple bedrooms. So the results might be skewed a bit.

(or try this. TURN OFF THE LIGHTS!!!!! does it matter what color they are at that point?)

If you still don't feel like a real adult, here are five morning habits that'll make you feel like you've got your life together.

1. Use an actual alarm clock. When your phone is your alarm, it's the first thing you look at. So you end up starting your day by scrolling through texts and social media. That's why an actual clock might be better. Bonus points if you don't hit snooze.

2. Start with 30 seconds of gratitude. Being thankful is good for you, and it doesn't take long. Just take half-a-minute to be thankful for something in your life even if that thing is the comfy bed you get to sleep in, or the breakfast you're about to eat.

3. Set a daily intention. Or even better, set three. Think of a few things you want to accomplish that day. They don't have to be big, they just need to be realistic. Even just getting to work on time could be one of them. (can getting out of bed be then there are only two left?)

4. Drink a glass of water. It's simple and easy. But it also gives you a small sense of accomplishment, which can be a gateway to other healthy habits.

5. Exercise. It releases endorphins, which helps relieve stress, and it gets it out of the way, so you won't get lazy and skip your workout later on.

Today's Useless Fact of the Day -

100,000 tons of bubble gum is chewed every year all around the world.

It is believed that ancient Greeks found relief from stress by chewing a gum that was made from a resin.

The first bubble gum ever marketed was done so under the name ‘Blibber-Blubber’.

The color of the first successful bubble gum was pink, because it was the only color that was left with the inventor.


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