Saturday 2/15/25
Sunday 2/16/25
Annoy Squidward Day
National Clementine Day
National Gumdrop Day
National Hippo Day
National I Want Butterscotch Day
Red Sock Day
Singles Awareness Day

St. Skeletor's Day - the antithesis of Valentine's day. It was created in 1998 by British comedian Richard Herring. He has said it is "a day for all the lost souls who don't have anyone to love," and that it is "devoted to the destruction of love. And yes it's named after He-Man's Skeletor!
Susan B. Anthony Day
World Pangolin Day
World Whale Day
Do a Grouch a Favor
International Syrah Day
National Almond Day
National Innovation Day
Post Valentines Day Wrap-Up
CNN analyzed 595 current Hallmark Valentine's Day cards . . . the front and the inside, the imagery and the text. Here's what they found:
400 of the 595 cards (67%) featured at least one heart on the cover.
Animals were very popular, dogs, cats, bears, mice.
Flowers 17%
And food..especially Chocolate, cake...and yes even pizza, nachos, BBQ, and pickles!
Yesterday was also National Cream-Filled Chocolate Day. What's the first type you reach for in that heart-shaped box . . . and which ones do you actively avoid?
Someone polled 4,000 Americans to find the most popular fillings. Here's how people voted . . .
1. Caramel. 34% said it's their favorite filling.
2. Nuts, 16%
3. Coconut filling, 12%
4. Toffee, 10%
5. Fruity filling, 9%
6. Mint, 7%
5% said something other than those six things. Only 3% said they don't like ANY kind of chocolate.
Busy weekend for special TV.
NBA All Star Game
Saturday Night Live 50th Anniversary Sunday Night. Big show Sunday Night.
If you asked someone to name the most-watched "Saturday Night Live" sketch on YouTube, they'd probably say "More Cowbell". And they would be WRONG. That one didn't even make the Top 10.
1. "Porn Teacher" featuring Amy Schumer. Season 41. 106 million views.
2. "Black Jeopardy" featuring Tom Hanks. Season 42. 83 million views.
3. "Harry Potter: Hermione Growth" featuring Lindsay Lohan. Season 29. 77 million views.
4. "Spider-Man Kiss" featuring Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. Season 39. 73 million views.
5. "Star Wars: Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base" featuring Adam Driver. Season 41. 67 million views.
We talked about naps recently and it was advised to keep it short, like 20 minutes.
There's new research out that says the "perfect" nap-time is 1:42 P.M. . . . and that the optimum nap length is 51 minutes, meaning you'd wake up at 2:33 P.M.
If a nap goes longer than that, at around an hour-and-a-half, it can do more harm than good for your momentum and energy levels. And if it goes on for TWO-and-a-half hours, then it's officially a full sleep session.
The people at NASA agree . . . a while back, they did a study and found the perfect length for a nap is 26 minutes, because you're only going through the first two stages of sleep in that time.
So.....i'm gathering no one knows what't he perfect nap is. Do your own research!!!!
After a decade of quirky baby name trends, such as unique spellings and pet names, the CEO test is making a comeback.
Baby name expert Collen Slagen, who runs a consulting business called Naming Bebe, says 'Ivy League' names are now in vogue. This doesn't mean we'll see a surge of babies named Cornell, Harvard or Princeton, but rather an increase in "timeless" and "classic" names that "age well."
She suggested using surnames as first names, giving examples such as Callaway, Cooper, and Brooks for inspiration. 'Ivy League' baby names were highlighted too, with choices like Bartholomew, Richmond, Stetson, and Forrest for boys, whereas girls could be named Palmer, Sinclair, Georgina, or Kensington.
Hey parents! What's for dinner on a school night?
A third of parents (29%) admit to eating their children’s uneaten lunch leftovers for dinner. This resourceful approach comes as parents estimate that, on average, 21 percent of their child’s lunch returns home uneaten each day.
May as well pack somethings they won't even consider so you can have it later!
California has been struggling with intense wildfires in recent years, and it's impacted the wine industry. Smoke exposure can affect the delicate flavor of the grapes, which has generally been considered a BAD thing.
But what if it can be hyped as a cool new style???
A study found that some wine drinkers actually enjoy the characteristics that smoke imparts to wine . . . especially when they know what they're drinking.
Usually, when a wine is smoky, that flavor is coming through from the barrels it was aged in. And it can be a desirable trait in many fine wines.
The study found that more than half of wine connoisseurs LIKED a little smokiness. And among the group that DIDN'T . . . they actually appreciated it more if the label made the "intended" smokiness clear.