Thursday 2/13/25
Dream Your Sweet Day
Employee Legal Awareness Day
Galentine's Day - created on Parks & Recreation in 2010.
Get a Different Name Day
Giving Hearts Day
International Day of Self Love
Kiss Day
National Break Up With Your Carrier Day
National Cheddar Day
National Crab Rangoon Day
National Italian Food Day
National Tortellini Day
World Radio Day
Anyone have a "cursed" shirt or piece of clothing?? I have one that from the first day of wearing it has had bleach cleaner sprayed on it and almost immediately when wearing it, there's a food spill or something! Every time.

A Giant Schnauzer named Monty won Best in Show at the Westminster Dog Show in New York last night. It was the third year in a row he'd made the final. It's the first time a dog from the "Working Group" has won it since 2004, and he's the first Giant Schnauzer to ever win.
One of the Useless Facts of the day last week was that most flowers come through the port of Miami.
In the run up to Feb. 14, agricultural specialists at Miami International Airport have processed about 940 million stems of cut flowers, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Around 90% of the fresh cut flowers being sold for Valentine’s Day on Friday come through Miami, while the other 10% pass through Los Angeles.
Roses, carnations, pompons, hydrangeas, chrysanthemums, and gypsophila arrive on hundreds of flights. They journey mostly from Colombia and Ecuador to Miami across the U.S. and Canada.
Miami's largest flower importer is Avianca Cargo, based in Medellín, Colombia. In the past three weeks, the company has transported about 18,000 tons of flowers on 300 full cargo flights, senior vice president Diogo Elias said during a news conference last week in Miami.
“We transport flowers all year round, but specifically during the Valentine’s season, we more than double our capacity because there’s more than double the demand,” Elias said.
In honor of Kiss Day -
German dictionaries list more than 30 types of kisses, including the word nachküssen, for “the making up for kisses that have been omitted.” Here are a few variations from The Old Farmer’s Almanac Book of Love that you’ll want to explore. (or not)
1. The Butterfly Flutter
Place your eye within a breath of your partner’s cheek. Open and close your eyelids against her skin. If this is done correctly, the flutter sensation on her cheek should match the one in her heart.
2. The Bumper Kiss
Effective when following your lover in a separate car. Wait until he stops his vehicle at a traffic light, then gently ease your car up to his and nudge his bumper. The jolt will jump-start his heart and suggest more intimate nuzzlings to come. (WARNING: Do not use the Bumper Kiss on the vehicle of an unknown driver.)
3. The Hickey Kiss
It may take some practice to create a personalized hickey, in the shape of, say, your favorite sailing ship. No need to get fancy. The main objective is simply to avoid drawing blood while leaving a mark that will prove to your sweetheart (and all her girlfriends) that last night’s interlude was not a dream.
4. The French Kiss
Some call this the “Soul Kiss” because the life and soul are thought to pass through the mouth’s breath in the exchange across tongues. Surprisingly, the French call this “The English Kiss.”
5. The Last Kiss
In ancient Rome, custom had it that the Last Kiss would capture the soul of a dying man and keep it alive on the lips of his lover.
A kiss is just a kiss … or is it? Are you familiar with this folklore?
-For good luck in gambling, kiss the cards before the game begins.
-To protect yourself from lightning, make three crosses in front of yourself and kiss the ground three times.
-In some areas of England, it is believed that a newborn will be influenced later in life by whoever gives it its first kisses.
-If you drop a piece of bread on the floor, kiss it when you pick it up to avoid bad luck.
-Danish custom says that it’s a bad omen when the first person you see in the morning is an old woman. Should that happen, you must kiss her to avoid bad luck.
A survey asked people what they plan to do for Valentine's Day, and the most popular response was "doing something special at home."
The second most popular response was going out to a restaurant or bar . . . followed by celebrating at a friend or family member's house, and going out to some kind of special event.
And whether you have a Valentine or not, there's no shame in treating YOURSELF. 34% of Americans plan to get THEMSELVES a gift for V-Day this year . . . 40% of women will do that, and 28% of men.
Google just released some fresh Valentine's Day stats, and candy maker Ferrero also released a poll. Here are a few surprising Valentine's Day trends
1. Most women would rather stay in. 63% say celebrating at home sounds like more fun than going out, and 55% of men agreed. 62% overall think a home-cooked meal is more romantic than a fancy restaurant.
2. 52% of women think Valentine's Day proposals are overrated. So, if you're planning to propose this Friday . . . there's one more thing to stress about.
3. Google says the top trending Valentine's Day date this year is hitting up an arcade. Zoos are next, then couples spas. "Paint and sip" parties also made the Top 10. That's where you paint while you get drunk.
4. 41% of men want a male equivalent to Galentine's Day. The show "Parks and Recreation" came up with Galentine's in 2010. They defined it as "ladies celebrating ladies." It's always on the 13th.
Today’s Useless Fact of the Day - Tom Hanks' brother Jim does the voice of Woody in everything except the "Toy Story" movies. He handles video games, dolls, TV specials, and everything else.