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1977 - News of the World - Queen

45 Years Ago - 1977 Queen released their sixth album News of the World.

"We Are the Champions" / "We Will Rock You" are the frist two tracks on the album and are played together most of the time. It was released as an A and B side 45. It made #4 on the Hot 100. "It's Late" was the other single released and made #74.

In 2011, a team of scientific researchers concluded that "We Are the Champions" was the catchiest song in the history of pop music, despite its not reaching #1 in the charts in any major market. Dr. Daniel Mullensiefen said of the study: "Every musical hit is reliant on maths, science, engineering and technology; from the physics and frequencies of sound that determine pitch and harmony, to the hi-tech digital processors and synthesisers which can add effects to make a song catchier. We’ve discovered that there’s a science behind the sing-along and a special combination of neuroscience, math and cognitive psychology that can produce the elusive elixir of the perfect sing-along song.

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