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11/2/24 & 11/3/24 - Change Your Clocks (so it gets dark at 3pm) (Ugh..hate it)


Saturday 11/2/24

Sunday 11/3/24



All Souls' Day

Book Lovers Day

Cookie Monster Day

Learn to Homebrew Day

Look for Circles Day

National Bison Day

National Deviled Egg Day

National Wine Tasting Day

Plan Your Epitaph Day

Practice Being Psychic Day

World Numbat Day - look it’s cute. (and no, you can’t have one)


Cliche Day

Give Someone a Dollar Today Day

National Housewife Day

National Sandwich Day

World Jellyfish Day

Zero-Tasking Day


Clocks change this weekend.(do it tonight before you go to bed)..We fall back 1 hour to Eastern Standard Time.

In a new poll, 28% of people said they are NOT looking forward to it . . . even though we're "gaining" an hour.

41% of people said they "don't really care" about it either way.

But 23% of people said they're LOOKING FORWARD TO IT.  Which goes to show some people LIKE the darker evenings of fall and winter. 

Still, 63% of people said they'd like to see the clock-changing twice a year abolished . . . and only 17% said they like it, and would NOT be in favor of a change.  20% of people don't care. 

New in Theaters

Here - Drama directed by Robert Zemeckis with Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Michelle Dockery, Paul Bettany, and Kelly Reilly.

Godzilla Minus One - Rereleased Celebrating his 70th Anniversary. This is an awesome movie. The Godzilla parts are amazing as usual, but finally a story that you actually care about.


If you've got a ton of leftover Halloween candy, here's a way to get rid of it that won't make you gain weight:  A program called Cash for Candy will pay $10 a pound for it, and send it to troops overseas.  Check out the site


This is mostly just about when you were born, but which decade would you say you're the most nostalgic for right now?  A new poll looked into it.  And yes, the '90s have surpassed the '80s.

1.  The 1990s are the most nostalgic decade for 24% of Americans.

2.  The 1980s . . . 22%

3.  The 2000s . . . 18%

4.  The 1970s . . . 17%

5.  The 1960s . . . 11%.  But the 2010s could pass the '60s soon.  9% said it's their most nostalgic decade.

It also looked at the top '90s THINGS we're nostalgic for.  The top five are '90s music . . . '90s movies and TV shows . . . '90s video games . . . '90s fashion . . . and a tie between '90s sports and '90s toys. 


In couch potato news:  We're staying in more.  In 2019, the average person spent five-and-a-half hours away from home each day.  But it dropped to four-and-a-half after the pandemic and hasn't bounced back yet.  They say it's partly because more of us work from home.  But we're also just less inclined to go out.


And in bathroom humor news:  "Astronomers Found Something Cold and Wet Near Uranus." That's the headline one news outlet went with after scientists said one of Uranus's moons might have liquid water.

They think it used to have an ocean that was 60 miles deep, and some of the water could still be there.  If it is, there could also be life orbiting Uranus.


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