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11/13/24 - Zero Interest, When to Eat, and Attention Spans


Wednesday 11/13/24


Actor's Day

National Bread Pudding Day

National Indian Pudding Day

National Mom's and Dad's Day

Sadie Hawkins Day - originated from Al Capp's comic strip, Li'l Abner and inspired Sadie Hawkins dances, where women ask men to dance.

Start a Rumor Day

Symphonic Metal Day

World Kindness Day


Want to escape the incoming administration?

A cruise line just announced a special package called "Skip Forward," which will allow travelers to spend FOUR YEARS on a cruise ship . . . returning home just in time for the NEXT president.

The cruise will travel to all seven continents, and go to 140 countries.

Naturally, a four-year cruise is not going to be cheap.  The single-occupancy rooms start at $256,000, while the double-occupancy rooms start at $320,000.

But that covers EVERYTHING onboard the ship, including all food and drinks . . . yes, even those $20 eggs . . . plus things like a fitness center and a spa.

There are also options for shorter cruises of varying lengths . . . including a "Midterm" option for two years. 

A rep for the company, Villa Vie Residences, says the trip gives passengers "flexibility to escape traffic jams, politics, and the monotony of city life."


If you're hosting Thanksgiving dinner, you've likely already decided what sides you plan to make and how you will prepare your bird. But one decision you might still be uncertain of is what time to serve dinner.

In total, 34,828 people responded to Martha Stewarts poll asking what time Thanksgiving dinner should start. Of the respondents, the majority (13,586) believe the meal should begin between 2 to 3 p.m. Coming in at a close second was the 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. time slot, which 13,007 people voted for. 

The least popular time to eat Thanksgiving dinner is after 6 p.m. Of the poll respondents, only 9 percent (3,152) believe you should eat this meal late in the evening. On the other hand, eating Thanksgiving dinner too early is also a no-no, according to our poll results. Only 5,083 believe this special dinner should begin from 12 to 1 p.m. 

How short is your attention span?? You probably didn't even finish that last sentence!!!!!!

According to a poll out this week, the average Gen Z'er checks their phone six times during a TV show.  That's per episode.  And it's not just young people.  Millennials check their phone five to six times . . . Gen X, four to five . . . and Baby Boomers, three.

Most people said that if they're watching a show or movie at home, they're probably using their phone at the same time.  78% of young people said they usually are.  Even 41% of Baby Boomers said yes.

People were asked how long they can watch something before they get bored and want to multitask.  For movies, 15 minutes and 42 seconds . . . shows, 14 minutes and 36 seconds . . . podcasts, 9 minutes and 12 seconds . . . and audiobooks, 8 minutes and 18 seconds. 


AskReddit asked "What's popular right now that you have zero interest in?"  And there were some fun responses.  Here are the highlights:

One response was I'm nearly 50 years old, I have no clue what's popular right now. I want to go rake the leaves then take a nap.

1.  "Honestly, the endless cycle of reboots and remakes. Feels like every other movie or show is just a recycled version of something from 20 years ago. Can we get some new ideas, please?"

2.  A.I.-generated influencer content . . . or A.I. ANYTHING . . . or influencer ANYTHING.

3.  Sports betting.

4.  Streamer / Twitch culture.

5.  Stanley cups. - NO not the Hockey Trophy

6.  Fillers, Botox, and plastic surgery.

7.  YouTubers.

8.  Broccoli haircuts.

9.  Cybertrucks.

10.  Pickleball.

11.  Vaping.

12.  Politics, as your personality.  (This probably made the list since we just had an election year, but it could include anyone who spends all their time sharing and reacting to political memes and social media posts.)

13.  Celebrity brands . . . and celebrity podcasts.

14.  Fantasy football.

15.  Kombucha.

16.  Ozempic.

17.  Adult coloring books.

18.  And someone said, "Pouring beer down my pants." 


How weird would this be?  A woman in New York was watching the reality show "Couples Therapy" when she realized a scene from it was shot in her apartment.  A couple on the show used to live there. 

How many apartments are in NY? "This is a glitch in the Matrix"

Danny DeVito is one of the 10 SEXIEST bald men in the world, according to a scientific study.  

A marketing agency used a list of criteria like smile analysis, shine factor, vocal attractiveness, and media perception to create their ranking.

These are the Top 10 sexiest bald men of 2024:

1.  Prince William

2.  The Rock

3.  Shaq

4.  Surfer Kelly Slater

5.  Terry Crews

6.  Danny DeVito

7.  Samuel L. Jackson

8.  French soccer coach Thierry Henry

9.  Stanley Tucci

10.  Vin Diesel


According to a new survey, Americans may be getting TIRED of holiday gatherings.  The average person is planning to attend THREE big social events this year, which is down from FIVE last year.

Most people are still planning on Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners . . . but fewer people are doing get-togethers for Friendsgiving and New Year's Eve.

And many people are FINE with this:  Only 36% of people say they wish they were attending MORE gatherings this year, compared to 62% last year.

Today's Useless Fact of the Day - During the filming of "Rocky", Sylvester Stallone broke his ribs and Carl Weathers got a broken nose . . . which is the opposite of the movie, where Rocky has a broken nose and Apollo Creed has broken ribs.

Check out the web version of this briefing, along with The Anniversary Song of the Day and more content, on the web at

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