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10/30/24 - Wedding Songs, Hangry, and Fear


Tuesday 10/29/2024


International Internet Day

National Cat Day

national hermit

National Oatmeal Day

Vote Early Day

World Psoriasis Day

World Stroke Day


A recent study looked at 2,000 wedding playlists on Spotify to find the most popular songs.  If you've attended a wedding recently, there's a chance you probably heard some of these on the dancefloor.

Here's the Top 10:

1.  "I Wanna Dance with Somebody",  Whitney Houston 24% of the playlists 

2.  "Dancing Queen",  ABBA 19.7%

3.  "Yeah!",  Usher featuring Lil Jon and Ludacris

4.  "Mr. Brightside",  The Killers

5.  "September",  Earth, Wind & Fire

6.  "I Gotta Feeling",  Black Eyed Peas

7.  "Marry You",  Bruno Mars

8.  "Crazy in Love",  Beyoncé

9.  "Shut Up and Dance", Walk the Moon

10.  "Low",  Flo Rida


Is being "hangry" a real thing?  We all know the feeling.  Maybe you skipped breakfast or didn't have time for lunch.  And now you're getting more and more mad, the hungrier you get.

The answer is YES, it's real.  It mostly boils down to something called your "gut-brain axis" . . . the busy communication line between your stomach and brain.

Imagine a steady stream of texts between two friends.  When you're hungry, your stomach sends a text to your brain that says "feed me."  And if you don't respond fast enough by eating, those texts get more and more frequent.

Not eating drops your blood sugar too, which can make you produce more of the stress hormone cortisol, and when you're hungry, you also make less of the feel-good hormone serotonin.  Around 90% of it is produced in your gut.

Here's how to prevent it.

According to an expert, here are the five best foods to snack on if you want to avoid being "hangry":

1. Crunchy vegetables like carrots, celery, and cucumber. They're high in insoluble fiber, which slows down digestion.

2. Chickpeas. (Hummus)

3. Greek yogurt.

4. Berries.

5. Almonds.

All of these are terrible..if I'm hangry...bring on the chocolate or sweets!!!)


A woman from New Jersey is suing JetBlue for serving her an ice cream sandwich that was too cold.

She and her fiancé flew from New York to Paris in August, and one of the snack options on their flight was a "chomp size" strawberry shortcake ice cream sandwich.  It's made by a company called Nightingale.

Unfortunately, she chomped down on it without realizing the sandwich was frozen solid, and she broke a tooth.

It cracked the tooth down to the root, and she had to have it pulled by a dentist as soon as they landed.  She got an implant later on.

She says the ice cream sandwich was like a block of ice, and the flight attendant should have warned her.  She's suing for damages, plus pain and suffering.  A jury will decide if she deserves any money, and how much. 


In a new survey of 3,000 Americans, only 3% of people claimed to be literally fearless, meaning that 97% of people are spooked by something. 

They gave people a list of common fears, and asked them to rate their discomfort level.  Then, they mapped the results by state.

The #1 fear is DEATH.  It was the highest "fear factor" in 17 states . . . including Washington state . . . California . . . Nevada . . . Colorado . . . Texas . . . Minnesota . . . Ohio . . . New York . . . Tennessee . . . and Florida.

The #2 fear is HEIGHTS.  It got the most votes in eight states . . . including Pennsylvania . . . Michigan . . . Maryland . . . Virginia . . . and Georgia.

The #3 fear is SNAKES.  They're the most feared in six states . . . including Mississippi . . . Maine . . . Utah . . . North Carolina . . . and West Virginia.

The #4 fear is a tie between PUBLIC SPEAKING and ENCLOSED SPACES, which both carried four states.  Public speaking is terrifying in Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, and Indiana, while enclosed spaces are feared in Iowa, New Jersey, Oregon, and Idaho.

The #6 fear is a tie between FAILURE and SPIDERS.  Failure is the most upsetting thing in Louisiana and Kentucky, while people in Massachusetts and New Mexico have zero tolerance for spiders.

Interestingly, GHOSTS AND SPIRITS were also an option, but they were only number one in one state:  Montana.

People were asked if they'd be willing to "face their biggest fear for 24 hours in exchange for $1,000."  24% of people were willing to embrace their fears for the cash . . . 33% would only do it if they were guaranteed safety . . . 27% flat-out declined . . . and 16% said they needed to think it over.


Today's Useless Fact of the Day - The English language is weird..Kansas and Arkansas are not pronounced the same, and it's illegal to mispronounce the word "Arkansas" in Arkansas. You probably won't get arrested for calling it Ar-kan-zis . . . but they won't be happy.

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