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10/12/23 - Valid Pet Peeves, "Out of Pocket" Meaning, and Being a Swifty

Thursday 10/12/23


Cookbook Launch Day

Freethought Day

International Moment of Frustration Scream Day - people let out their frustrations all around the world by going outside when it's noon in Greenwich, England, (8AM our time) and screaming for thirty seconds. The goal is for everyone to feel better afterward, but the creators of the day also fear that the screaming may cause the earth to fall off its orbit.

National Farmer's Day

National Gumbo Day

National Savings Day

Ombuds Day

Pulled Pork Day

World Arthritis Day

World Sight Day

"Seinfeld" had one of the most controversial finales in the history of TV. And if you didn't like it, I have some interesting news for you.

At the end of a standup gig in Boston over the weekend, Jerry did a Q&A, and someone asked him if he was happy with the way the show ended. And he dropped this bombshell . . .

Quote, "I have a little secret for you about the ending . . . Something is going to happen that has to do with that ending. Hasn't happened yet.

"And just what you are thinking about, Larry [David] and I have also been thinking about it. So you'll see, we'll see."


According to a poll of 2,000 young people, age 14 to 25, Taylor Swift is the artist who has the most positive impact on mood and well-being. Ed Sheeran is a close second.

But check this out: Nearly two-thirds of those polled say that a "shared appreciation of artists through dedicated fan bases" also has a positive influence.

In other words, being a Swiftie is good for your mental health.


The record for the world's largest gourd is back in American hands!

The World Championship Pumpkin Weigh-Off was on Monday near San Francisco. And the winner was a 2,749-pound pumpkin grown in Minnesota.

The pumpkin's name is Michael Jordan (because the year is 2023, Jordan's jersey number was #23.

The winner gets $9 a pound, he sold it for just under $25,000. That would only net him around 10 grand, because it cost $15,000 to grow. But he got an extra 30 grand for breaking the record. So he made about $40,000.

by the way, this is the 50th World Championship. It started in 1974 and the winning pumpkin was just 132 pounds. Normal pumpkin you encounter is around 10 pounds.

It's also about as heavy as a walrus . . . a hippopotamus . . . or a Mazda Miata with two ACTUAL Michael Jordans sitting in it.


A woman from Boston named Sarah Bohan ran the Chicago Marathon on Sunday and stopped in the middle to save a kitten.

She was 20 miles in when she spotted it on the side of the road and scooped it up. Then she ran around to different spectators until she found a woman who said she'd ADOPT it.

Sarah was on pace to beat her personal record before spotting the kitten, but she doesn't care. She still finished in an impressive 3 hours and 31 minutes.

She happened to be running to raise money for a no-kill shelter called PAWS Chicago.


Do you know what the term "out of pocket" means? How you answer might depend on how old you are.

Merriam-Webster's only definition for it is about money. Like, "out-of-pocket" expenses with your insurance plan. But there are two other ways it's used, and they're a big deal online right now.

A lot of millennials use it when they'll be away from their desk, or unreachable. Like, "Hey, you might not be able to call me today, I'll be out of pocket." But for Gen Z, it means something very different.

Over the weekend, some Gen Z'er posted a video making fun of his boss for using it all the time. He said she'll say things like, "I'll be out of pocket for a few hours this afternoon." And he thinks it's HILARIOUS.

Here's why: To Gen Z, "out of pocket" means "out of character" or "UNHINGED."

So if you say it to a young person, they don't hear "I'll be unreachable." They think you mean, "I'm gettin' CRAZY this afternoon."


Everyone's got a few pet peeves. But does the average person think yours are VALID or RIDICULOUS?

Someone asked over 15,000 people to weigh in on some common pet peeves. Here's what they said . . .

1. When someone puts their shopping cart next to the cart return, but not in it. 82% think that's a valid pet peeve to have.

2. When you're watching TV, and the audio and video are even a millisecond off. 89% say valid pet peeve.

3. You want to turn right on red, but the person in front of you is waiting to go straight. 55% say yeah, that's annoying.

4. When someone's driving under the speed limit in the fast lane. 93% think it's okay to get angry about that one.

5. When someone eats around you, but you're not eating. Only 9% say you should be annoyed by that.

6. When someone puts the toilet paper roll on the "wrong" way. 45% say valid. 55% say chill out, there's not really a "wrong" way to do that.

7. When the "spinning wheel of death" pops up on your computer while something's loading. 55% say it's a valid pet peeve. 45% think you might just need to work on being more patient.

8. When there's only one non-self-checkout lane open at the grocery store in the middle of the day. 80% think that's a valid complaint.

9. When two motorcycles take up two full-sized parking spots. 69% agree it's annoying.

10. When someone in front of you at Starbucks has a high-maintenance order that takes forever. 76% say it's fair to be annoyed at that person.


Today's Useless Fact of the Day - New Jersey is the densest state in the U.S., with 1,263 people per square mile. Alaska is the least dense state, with one person per square mile.

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