Thursday 1/30/25
National Croissant Day
National Escape Day
National Inane Answering Message Day
Yodel for Your Neighbors Day (let’s say we don’t)
With eggs so expensive and only going to go up, what can you use instead of them in baking and cooking?

What do they do? Eggs are magic: they help baked goods rise, bind ingredients, lend moisture, and add richness.
Need a cake to rise or get light and fluffy? Add vinegar and baking soda, whose fizz contributes natural leavening. Want to mimic the richness of eggs? Silken tofu or plain yogurt will lend a wonderful creaminess.
Also, consider the flavor profile of your recipe. If it’s dainty and delicate, avoid bold replacements such as flaxseed or banana, which could overwhelm its flavor. However, either replacement readily disappears in most quick breads and cookies.
Applesauce is best in baked goods. (have used this in place of oil before.)
Reddit asked what are alternatives to dying Easter eggs?
When I was growing up, my mom would buy small plain terracotta pots for us to paint and then plant flowers and herbs in. It was always a fun springtime tradition to look forward to, and we still have many of them!
Decoupage with tissue paper and a glue/water mix!
Painting rocks
You could make bird seed ornaments together. You could use spring or Easter themed cookie cutters if you have them. They are easy to make but do take time to set. The good thing is that there’s fun in making them, hanging them, and then watching the birds they attract.
We were gifted a large amount of golf balls (“foraged” from many years of golfing) and are planning on letting kids paint those to “hide”
Sweethearts just launched a jokey ad campaign claiming their candy hearts with messages are LEGALLY BINDING this year.
So be careful with "Marry Me"
Nah - Don't worry, they're not really.
They added a feature to their website where you can scan their hearts with your phone, and it helps you follow through on the pledge.
If you scan a "Marry Me" heart, it leads to a site that helps you get married online. A "Move In" heart helps you hire movers, and a "4Ever" heart helps you buy heart-shaped gravestones.
AI was in the news and it's still an infant and says a lot of things that don't make sense...well......
AskReddit asked, "What's a common thing PEOPLE say that makes zero sense?" And here are some of the best responses:
"I'm sweating like a pig." Pigs don't really sweat.
"I'm healthy as a horse."
"I slept like a baby." Babies are infamously awful sleepers.
"Unthaw" or "Dethaw"
"6:00 A.M. in the morning." (yes we are very repetitive and like to say things in two different ways ;) )
Saying someone "did a 360" when they change. It would be a "180," if anything.
People referring to a lion being the "king of the jungle" without realizing lions don't live in jungles. (Some sayings, like this, are based on outdated usages of words. "Jungle" used to refer to "any untamed wilderness.")
"For all intensive purposes." (It's "for all intents and purposes.")
"Money can't buy happiness."
"Happy as a clam." (ask the ones in your clam chowder if they are happy.)
People alternately advise "Don't sweat the small stuff" and "It's the little things that count."
This is another flip-flop of convenience: "The early bird catches the worm." (wouldn't the worm be up first then?) Also, there's this: "The second mouse gets the cheese."
"Everything happens for a reason."
"Skibidi." (If you have teenagers, you know. Or don't, I guess.)
Starbucks is making some changes to turn back the clock and make the experience cool and fun again . . . and less corporate.
They'll be going back to handwriting customers' names on their cups with Sharpies . . . and probably MISSPELLING them on occasion, like the old days.
Today's Useless Fact of the Day - The first Got Milk ad was directed by Michael Bay. A history expert has to answer "Who shot Alexander Hamilton?" to win a radio contest, but he can't say Aaron Burr because he's been eating peanut butter and needs milk.