Tuesday 1/14/25
Caesarean Section Day
International Kite Day
National Dress Up Your Pet Day
National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day
National Poetry at Work Day
National Shop for Travel Day
Organize Your Home Day
Printing Ink Day
Ratification Day
According to a new survey, the date when holiday decorations should be taken down is January 16th . . . this coming Thursday. That was based on an average among people who believe there SHOULD be a deadline.
But 45% of people say there shouldn't be a specific "decorations down date." The survey suggests that means those people are, "happy to see the lights and decorations stay up long into the new year, [or] all year."
That seems like a generous interpretation. Especially if they're implying that CHRISTMAS lights and inflatables should be kept out and active year-round.
In any event, Millennials are the most chill about decorations staying out, while Boomers were the LEAST likely to support it.
According to experts, having these winter essentials can really make a difference if you ever get stuck out in a winter storm. How many of them do YOU have in your car right now?
1. Jumper cables
2. Flares or reflective triangles
3. Ice scraper
4. Phone charger
5. A flashlight
6. Water and snacks
7. Heated blanket. One that plugs into your 12-volt charger.
8. Body and hand warmers, like Hot Hands.
9. Tow straps
10. Traction mats for your tires. Or, Weather.gov says to drive around with a bag of sand or kitty litter in your trunk for better traction.
Ready.gov has a much more exhaustive list of stuff you should have. Or if you want to go the easy route, just search for a "Roadside Emergency Car Kit". They make all-in-one kits now with a lot of the stuff you need.
Is single life falling out of style?
According to the Pew Research Center, the share of "unpartnered adults" has declined for the first time in about 20 years. Those are people who are NOT married, living with a partner, or in a committed romantic relationship.
It's not down a lot though. About 42% of adults were unpartnered in 2023 down from peaking at 44% in 2019.
The share of adults who were married inched up from 50% to 51% from 2019 to 2023 . . . as did the share of adults cohabiting with a partner, up from 6% to 7%.
This has led an economist named Richard Fry to proclaim, "Singledom has peaked." There isn't an explanation for the trend, but Fry did add, quote, "From a purely economic point of view, adults who have partners seem to be better off financially."

There are rumors out there that Wendy's is teaming with the Girl Scouts to make a Thin Mint Frosty!
According to the foodfluencers, the frozen fun will potentially begin on Feb. 21.
We shall see.
Today’s Useless Fact of the Day - Sean Connery had a chance to play Gandalf in the "Lord of the Rings" movies, but turned it down because he didn't understand the scripts. He was even offered a piece of the backend of the movies that now would've been worth at least $450 million.