Saturday 1/11/25
Sunday 1/12/25
Girl Hug Boy Day
Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day
National Hot Toddy Day
National Milk Day
National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend Day ('s probably ice)
National Vision Board
Secret Pal Day
World Sketchnote Day
Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day
International French Onion Soup Day
International Kiss a Ginger Day
National Curried Chicken Day
National Glazed Doughnut Day
National Hot Tea Day
National Marzipan Day
National Pharmacist Day
National Sunday Supper Day
No Pants Subway Ride Day
Stick To Your New Year's Resolution Day
Work Harder Day
We love our pizza - The average American eats 288 slices a year. That's just over 95 billion slices nationwide.
Pizza Hut released their second annual "Pizza Trends Report." And it found that Friday is the best day to eat pizza - 43% said Friday . . . 23% said Saturday . . . and Wednesday is a distant third with 11% of the vote.

They claim they've settled the debate on the right way to eat pizza. Do you fold it . . . not fold it . . . or eat it with a fork? The winner with almost half the vote is no fold. Just start in on it tip-first. 44% said using a fork is a "food crime."
57% of us like cold pizza the next day, no need to heat it up.
New York-style is #1 again with 29% of the vote. Chicago deep dish, 22% . . . Sicilian, 8% . . . and Detroit-style, 4%.
58% of us dip our pizza, at least sometimes. Ranch is the most popular dipping sauce, followed by garlic sauce, marinara, and a tie for fourth between blue cheese and Buffalo.
Happy Quitter's Day! The second Friday in January is when people are most likely to throw in the towel on their New Year's resolutions. But here are three times when it might actually make sense to give up on your goal . . . or at least reassess it.
1. When you're motivated by the wrong reasons. Sometimes, we pursue a goal just to prove other people wrong or soothe our own fear of failure. But when a goal doesn't align with your core values and needs, it's hard to stay motivated.
2. When your goal no longer resonates with you. Maybe climbing the corporate ladder was important to you in your 20s and 30s, but then in your 40s you found that spending more time with your family is what really matters.
In that case, "scoring a promotion at work" wouldn't necessarily be a great goal to pursue, even if it does have its benefits.
3. If reaching for your goal has exhausted your resources. Our capacity for sustained effort isn't infinite . . . and pursuing our goals CAN lead to burnout. By learning to let go of resolutions that feel exhausting or impossible, you free up space to set more realistic and achievable goals.
A new study has found that people are significantly more likely to feel irritable, angry, and annoyed . . . the more they consume social media.
Harvard Medical School collected data on how often adults 18 and older use Instagram, TikTok, X, and Facebook. Then, they compared people's social media use to how they scored on various mood tests.
Those who said they used social media "most of the day" scored three times higher on the irritability scale than those who said they never used social media.
It's possible to have a more positive experience . . . the key is to avoid overindulging. But experts do note that, quote, "If you truly are spending most of the day on social media, there are probably more beneficial things you can be doing with your time."
Mathematicians calculated the perfect body type for hula hooping. And yes, curves help. They found it's a lot easier for people with a thin waist and curvy hips.
Forget Bread and Milk!!!!! Before a hurricane, the two top-selling items at Walmart are Pop-Tarts and beer.